Tags : body



A Poem by Will

Of course she caught my eye...
Nocturnal Divine

Nocturnal Divine

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

My friend Sham Muhammad posted something on facebook a while ago, whatever it was when I read it at the time it instantly inspired me to write this. S..
Simplistic Tempests

Simplistic Tempests

A Poem by kera moondust

I love the rain... Why am I a terrible person?
Better than me

Better than me

A Story by Sydney Dreama

The story of a girl trying to deal with a bully when no one will listen to her cries for help.


A Poem by anamezic

Heavy and foreign as a lead weight I want to hold you in my hips until the day I die (secretly) coat soft pink with soft metal insid..


A Poem by Tracey R

This is a poem.
Always you will be in my hands

Always you will be in my hands

A Poem by weaknight

Always you will be in my hands in my tiny thoughts of hope and even in the ones of heartache like when you said that there was nothing beyond th..
The Truth About Soul Mates

The Truth About Soul Mates

A Poem by kera moondust

because I felt like writing a poem for her. =)


A Poem by Poe Redd

it just appeared. on the page. like magic.
Lost Ardor

Lost Ardor

A Poem by Sarah F-W

Lingering whispers,Fall flat on deaf ears.Nobody left,But the sound of silent fears.Everlasting touches,Settled on soft skin.No longer to be caressedB..


A Poem by Dana Alsamsam

I think a lot in the shower, and this is what it feels like.
Lover's Tsunami

Lover's Tsunami

A Poem by ashley k carrithers

a passionate poem, reflecting a true story as I ruminated through the wandering of the waves hurtling against my bare bastion - Ocean Pacific. Abou..


A Poem by Aka.Hipster

Look at her body,The body another has already caressed,The way she bites her nails smiling at you,In all honesty she isn't much,But its 4 in the morni..
The White Weed

The White Weed

A Poem by QuiteOllie

A poem about acceptance of identity and learning who you are.
She Was Mine

She Was Mine

A Poem by Emma Garside

I wanted to feel the crevices of her collarbones,to caress the curves of her legs, grab her protruding hip bones,hold her delicate hands and take in h..