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Compartment 114

Tags : cloaks

The Season of the Witch

The Season of the Witch

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

Most of the country is hushed out there As the Moon climbs over the hill, The creatures out in the wild beware And the air is breathl..
Green is with Black

Green is with Black

A Poem by Irenic

Green is describing the goodness and black is reflecting the negativity. I try my best to convey that every person has a soul made of flower and the t..
Tales from the Wastes - Cilia

Tales from the Wastes - Cilia

A Poem by S.F. WeasL

her Body laid upon the unforgiving Wastes snow, like a blanket from her head, to her toes. her frame was Light Sickened and Slight With a Ri..