Tags : cultures

Blurred Vision

Blurred Vision

A Story by Lipstick_Lesbian

What does it mean to be an American?
Angels of Paradox - In and Out of Boxes

Angels of Paradox - In and Out of Boxes

A Story by Easter3

Oh, the Mind boggling decisions inherently involved with Paradoxical Angels-In-the-Box.


A Poem by Confuser

BROKEN BROOKS White flashes as a symbol in the ominous night’s light - a drought of cradled compassions. Perceiving the depths of em..


A Poem by svarevska.anastasija

Travel. One word that has multiple meanings. For instance, a heal for a soul. It can also be called life's general goal. For me, it's my dream ..
Wayward Calves, Fiery Crosses and Garden Variety Terrorisms

Wayward Calves, Fiery Crosses and Garden Variety T..

A Story by Easter3

There are Varmints of all sorts in this Big, Wide, wonderful World we Live in.....


A Story by Brand0

A woman, shaken at heart, goes for a strange walk through the woods...
Lumber-sexuals, what will they think of next?

Lumber-sexuals, what will they think of next?

A Story by Katharine

I just couldn't help poking a little fun at popular sub-cultures, and where will they lead us to next.
Lumber-sexuals, what will they think of next?

Lumber-sexuals, what will they think of next?

A Story by munst_pertel

I just could help but poke a bit of fun at popular sub-cultures and where they might lead us next
My New Friend

My New Friend

A Poem by poetindenim

A poem about friends friendship and the acceptance of others who are different than we are.
We Are Sheeple-People Cattle -- One & All

We Are Sheeple-People Cattle -- One & All

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

An attempt at a poetic statement of the harsh reality besetting all Humanity, a reality of deception based upon that only true trinity in existence: ..
What They Fear The Most

What They Fear The Most

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts on the reality of the world around us, and the very society we live in ...
An All Too Surreal Reality:  A Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham Snipped Of Philosophical Thought

An All Too Surreal Reality: A Marvin Thomas Cox-F..

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Candid and brutally frank philosophical thoughts set to pen of page with no personal offense intended towards anyone of any given faith or religion ....
For Lack Of Truth, We Eat Lies

For Lack Of Truth, We Eat Lies

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A look at a few seldom known facts of history in relation to the current events of today ...
Violence — Not Love — Is The Overwhelmingly Predominant Force   At Work Within Our Universe

Violence — Not Love — Is The Overwhelmingly Pr..

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts on the reality of Life ...
Only Man Has Needs

Only Man Has Needs

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts set to pen of page as an attempt at Poetry ...
I Be I Who Am It

I Be I Who Am It

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts as to the factual identity of that anonymous author of Existence and Creation, and that without the diseased plague known as th..

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