Tags : esoteric

Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery

Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

When the ties that bind are cut loose, we will either sink or swim. And all I see is Atlantis; self-destruction, sycophants slowly sinking! I float of..
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

A Book by skai

Young girl is forced to leave her home camp in the Kakus contains, the journey awakens her hidden shamanistic powers. She is welcomed into a new tribe..
"First You've Gotta Get Mad!!"

"First You've Gotta Get Mad!!"

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

For me, music is life. And I don't say that as some teenager who just discovered Hot Topic; I say that as someone that combs through genres, then arti..
The Savage Word #2

The Savage Word #2

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

We (the passive sycophantic divided fools) sit on our hands, and yelp at others to take action, in perhaps one of the most deciding and momentous epoc..
As If Something Important Were Going On

As If Something Important Were Going On

A Poem by TTEOAI

The last bastion of faith in humanity falling away.
A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love

A Story by Ranjit More

This is a short story inspired by the lofty lives of the renunciants, popularly known as babajis, of Vrindavan – the spiritual seat of India.
The Savage Word #3

The Savage Word #3

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

Does anyone else appreciate the irony of "social media" turning us into antisocial weirdos that stare at their phones rather than, you know, being soc..
Single black eye

Single black eye

A Poem by Mikael Malmberg

Esoteric poem


A Story by Crackle

A moon on the far reaches of the galaxy has a pub, where many different inhabinants from around the universe come to be sociable.
Can We Stop Emulating Sheep?

Can We Stop Emulating Sheep?

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

Can we stop emulating sheep? "I assure you, sheep are always led to the slaughter." For all of your pseudo-intellectual achievements, and empty causes..
Trigger Warning: Reality

Trigger Warning: Reality

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

It's f*****g hilarious that our gynocentric pussified society considers muhsoggyknees a serious issue. You have to have absolutely zero self-awareness..
If Informed Consent is a Joke, Democracy is a Myth

If Informed Consent is a Joke, Democracy is a Myth

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

For me, it's all about journalistic integrity and a well-informed populace. I'm ecstatic whenever any media outlet does some legitimate journalism. ..


A Book by Bryan Roy

Professor of antiquities goes to North Mexico to set up a dig site for a lost city. Upon arrival he meets an officious female from the Mexican departm..
Memento Mori

Memento Mori

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

A xerox of a photocopy of a duplicate...you cannot blame the industrial revolution for the soulless unoriginality of this epoch! Memento mori (remembe..