Tags : foreshadowing

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 16

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 16

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

Larisa didn’t show up until 9:10. The extra ten minutes he’d waited both enraged Adam and made him consider reconsidering. Did he have ..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 17

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 17

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

The first thing Adam noticed was the rain falling on the windshield. Since the wipers weren’t on, it was near impossible to see past the wav..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 18

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 18

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

As Adam awoke, he felt a hand laid on his chest. His first thought in his grogginess was that it was Larisa. So, thankful that he was safe at home..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 19

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 19

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

He spent the rest of Monday fretting in his office. There was no proof beyond his browser history that Evangeline’s Twitter account had ever ..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 20

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 20

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

“How are you feeling?” The patient didn’t answer, but this wasn’t surprising to Dr. Frost. He looked down at the notebook in..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 21

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 21

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

Larisa found the tiny coffee shop nearby to be quaint and homey. She enjoyed the atmosphere it gave off, not to mention the smell of coffee and ca..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 22

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 22

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

After waking up around five in the morning, Adam decided to spend a few hours lying in bed to gaze at his sleeping wife. He hoped this would help ..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 23

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 23

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

There would be no returning to his normal routine. It was futile to even try. Even so, on Friday morning, he decided that resigning to the futilit..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 24

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 24

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

There was a flower shop nearby that he’d never been to before. In fact, he’d never been to any flower shop before; he wasn’t much ..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 25

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 25

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

When Larisa finally returned home, she found the car in the driveway. The sight of it brought her overwhelming relief. Its presence meant that Ada..
The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 26 [End]

The Downward Spiral of Adam Keir | Chapter 26 [End..

A Chapter by Noëlle McHenry

How did I get here? This question plagued Adam’s mind, running through it over and over again. Try as he may, he could find no clear answer...

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