Tags : frinedship

I wish that I could do better by, you...cause that's what you deserve.

I wish that I could do better by, you...cause that..

A Story by Tam S

I don’t think she’s perfect, cause I know that no one is perfect. However, when I look at her or think about ..
 ए दि�™ तुम भी ना कमा�™ करते हो||

ए दिल तुम भी ना कमा�..

A Poem by Mr Shayar

ए दि�™ तुम भी ना कमा�™ क..
रात गहरी हो गयी च�™ो सो जाते है।

रात गहरी हो गयी चलो ..

A Poem by Mr Shayar

रात गहरी हो गयी च�™ो सो जì..
High Up There with No Way Down

High Up There with No Way Down

A Story by B. Stearns

Everest Tragedy (inspired piece)