Tags : history

Antediluvian Forces

Antediluvian Forces

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Forces are at your door before the flood
Death By Turtle

Death By Turtle

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Is that a rock or head down there?
My Past is Still Following Me

My Past is Still Following Me

A Poem by Josie E. Cook M. A.

Even though one tries to escape their past, it often lingers and haunts them.
The Diary Of A Confederate

The Diary Of A Confederate

A Story by Napoleon has returned

Relive the horrors of The American Civil War through the eyes of the side we were taught to hate in school.
On the Palatine

On the Palatine

A Poem by Deidre

A nostalgic poem about ancient Rome.
How Slavery Affected Modern Sexuality

How Slavery Affected Modern Sexuality

A Story by A. Farris

Anthony Farris 11 May 2017 Research Question: How did slavery shape society’s views of “normal” sexuality? Abst..
Uneven Odds

Uneven Odds

A Story by seulkie

October 1914 - Belgium
A temporary Permenance

A temporary Permenance

A Story by CookeCody

A man walks out of his house, stretches his eager arms, and gazes out over his domain. He could see his entire property; it wasn't very grand. His dom..
(Un)Civil War

(Un)Civil War

A Poem by Beautiful Mistake

How can I forgive you after you brought guns outAccept your sorry after you enlisted an army to shoot me downWhat was once our home is a battlefield n..
The Journey

The Journey

A Poem by GaHoGa

A poetic commentary on the journey called life.
Trench Fever

Trench Fever

A Story by seulkie

February 1917 - France
Come with Me

Come with Me

A Story by EJ's Horror

This one is shorter than my others, but I would like to get some honest opinions.


A Poem by Strider Marcus Jones

One of the poems about my travels through Spain. What happened when I sat down for a coffee outside a cafe in Cordoba. Being of Gypsy blood, what foll..