Tags : kidney

comet tail

comet tail

A Poem by ShaneBerry

a poem about a dream i had for fifteen nights.
Dead Kidney

Dead Kidney

A Poem by ShaneBerry

for the past eight years of my life i have been diagnosed with "anderson sponge kidney" and "hyper-calcite-urea" seperate they are minor and not very ..
Bringing Her Home

Bringing Her Home

A Story by NotNobody

A father gives the ultimate gift for his daughter when she becomes ill.


A Story by Mistral Bilgera

Something that happened recently.
April 2, 2026

April 2, 2026

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

As soon as Mateo jumped back into the timestream, Leona was ready with a needle. She injected him with a substance that she claimed to not know, but t..
April 3, 2027

April 3, 2027

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo opened his eyes. He was on the side of a hill. The sky was swirling with beautiful shades of purple and orange. Lightning danced across the clou..
April 18, 2042

April 18, 2042

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Harrison was assigned to remain with Mateo and Leona indefinitely, which he seemed to have no problem with. He gave the impression that he had grown a..
Love Me Not
1986, Penny Herrera falls into the predatory clutches of Matt, an older man who has no other intention than to alter Pen
Compartment 114
Compartment 114