Tags : modern

Quiche-World: Bonds

Quiche-World: Bonds

A Story by Abishai100

A modern prince studies capitalism-chess 'evolution' as a novelist-anthropologist and discovers instead a 'dragon' fossil of current proportion.
Storm-Shadow: A+ Diary

Storm-Shadow: A+ Diary

A Story by Abishai100

A chess-man of capitalism super-vision may be a workaholic who must balance treasure-bonds with 'human' Ego.
A Separate Knowledge

A Separate Knowledge

A Poem by Abishai100

Can capitalism create a 'darkness' with sports-treasure (card) Ego (or descent)?
The Sport Scalene*

The Sport Scalene*

A Story by Abishai100

A fable about a prince-activist who hopes to infuse 'sportsmanship-art' into the matrix of Earth race expressions for 'folk' capitalism.


A Story by Abishai100

Will the smart world-detective combat darkness in Morocco while an underground stranger fellow seeks outright danger?
Vishnu/Shiva: Queens

Vishnu/Shiva: Queens

A Story by Abishai100

Two faerie-deities descend on Queens to ID the capitalism Earth-race from 'dark' terrorism and track a mayhem-artist with a cooling avatar ("Evil_Elf"..
A Wonderland

A Wonderland

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated claim of a 'James Bond' fellow who relays his 'escape' miracle from a dark underworld with a 'diamond-card' Ego.
Earth Hinges

Earth Hinges

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated 'claim' of an Earth-prince whose 'chess' ideations of dominion/fortune draw him to a 'race-excellence' IQ regarding 'incomplete' definition.
Cheerleader-English: Apple Day(s)

Cheerleader-English: Apple Day(s)

A Story by Abishai100

A diorama about capitalism-in-practice and the 'magic' of cheerleader-intuitive Western-American 'chess-defense(s)' of social-media culture Ego (or de..
Venger's Market Face

Venger's Market Face

A Story by Abishai100

The brooding Venusian sorcerer becomes an Earth-trekker and encounters a media-figurine with whom he may share an existential 'traffic' distance.
Wonderland of Tandy

Wonderland of Tandy

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated 'deed' of a diamond James Bond 'character' whose retirement vision following a chess-triumph drew a capitalist 'Earth-race' expression.
The Freckle(s) Card

The Freckle(s) Card

A Story by Abishai100

A Venusian (alien) integrates into an Earth university as a humanoid-prince/student to learn about the 'magic' behind a capitalism-symbolic football t..
Strike-Force: Exiles/Dinosaur

Strike-Force: Exiles/Dinosaur

A Story by Abishai100

Twins, one patriot and the other terrorist, 'confer' about a replica-set of pro-football spirits cards for capitalism defense/Inferno.
Imagine Faeries: Asterisk

Imagine Faeries: Asterisk

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated tale of a man's quest for magic/superstition in a traffic-burdened world, drawing 'chess' like ideations of 'drawn' senses (or the Ego).
Snake-Eyes (GI-Joe): Everyman-Field

Snake-Eyes (GI-Joe): Everyman-Field

A Story by Abishai100

Telling of a super-patriot journey whose metaphysical accounts of war-and-peace make for human race expression of the Ego (or Theosophy!).
Vishnu/Shiva: Red Quarters

Vishnu/Shiva: Red Quarters

A Story by Abishai100

Can deities 'enhance' work with social media driven Western-world (American) defenses of 'vitality' capitalism rhetoric?
AM-Technicolor: I'm Satan

AM-Technicolor: I'm Satan

A Story by Abishai100

Window-view of morning-TV (America) and its casting of the magic/superstitions of commercial-life sustenance and populations-emojis (Earth!).
Venger's Upper Deck: American-Beauty*

Venger's Upper Deck: American-Beauty*

A Story by Abishai100

A brooding isolationist sorcerer (Venger) transforms his Ego and becomes a humanoid 'prince' with a mission to romanticize his capitalist eyes/journal..
American-Street: Catholic Magician(s)

American-Street: Catholic Magician(s)

A Story by Abishai100

Will the 'Dynamics-Duo' of the challenged (diamond-shaped) Windy-City avenge themselves while seeking a 'magical' escape for Earth-Ego (maybe)?
Venger's Treasure-Cottage: Engineering Cookies

Venger's Treasure-Cottage: Engineering Cookies

A Story by Abishai100

The Venusian (alien) becomes a humanoid-prince to blog about the 'shape' of capitalism's magical 'emoji'-face (and is challenged by a witch!).