Tags : mojave

Sol's Story (PART 1)

Sol's Story (PART 1)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

This is about a Legion Centaurian named Sol Invictus. He is the commander of a legion, and he will lead his troops to victory at the Dam. But in this ..
Sol's Story (PART 2)

Sol's Story (PART 2)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

Sol and the Legate are finally embarking on the Dam. They will assault the NCR's most defensive position.
Sol's Story (PART 3)

Sol's Story (PART 3)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

As Sol and his men arrive at the Camp they hear of some news. This is part 3 in the Sol Story trilogy, after the Dam was blown apart due to NCR tacti..
Sol's Story (PART 4)

Sol's Story (PART 4)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

As Sol and his men embark on the NCR Prsion, they encounter a surprise along the way.


A Poem by Hell in a Hip Flask

This is probably me trying to be way too meta but basically Mojave was actually a novel I couldn't write and it became a poem, which pissed me off bec..