Tags : mysterious

Vanishing Justice

Vanishing Justice

A Story by Chris Rankine

Two crimes, Two Guilty men, One mysterious stranger. Can it really be a coincidence that both men vanished after coming into contact with this strang..
Starry Night

Starry Night

A Poem by Anna Rivers

Starry sky,So far,And yet bright,Will you take,My undying secretsOut to the night?


A Poem by Brian D. Roth

You crawl along the edge of a cliffduring the cusp of winterit's cold claws scraping away the deepest desiresthat feed your heart and soulbut even the..


A Poem by Ramsha Ghofran

I had no name for this poem because it's something that cannot be named. This feeling, it has no word to describe it.
A Night to Remember

A Night to Remember

A Story by Nudnick

It was a brisk evening at the Kinsman Mansion. The only refuge from the frigid darkness was the warming glow that emanated from the lively terrace..


A Story by Nudnick

Thwap, thwap, thwap - the lumberjack’s cast iron axe wedges into the ancient trunk as a stream of sweat flows down the lumberjack’s fore..
Midnight Forage

Midnight Forage

A Story by Nudnick

Somewhere in the remote Rockies, a raging storm encapsules a large wooded area. Any guiding light that the moon bestowed is snuffed by dense rain cl..


A Story by R J Fuller

There can be so much uncertainty in what we do not know, but we will never learn unless we go forward
Echoes Of The Abby's

Echoes Of The Abby's

A Poem by Maximus

This poetry describes the haunted echoes of the abby's.
When The Darkness Falls.

When The Darkness Falls.

A Poem by Maximus

This poetry describes that what happens when the darkness falls
Once Sacred

Once Sacred

A Poem by Kane Hagwood

A poem inspired by finding an old stomping ground, hoping there is a future for it.
The True Story About the Play Iphigénie as Performed in Versailles on August 18, 1764

The True Story About the Play Iphigénie as ..

A Poem by Ryttersson

theatrical procession descendant onto a long and verdant avenue along which fountains are interspersed with small and crafty rustic..
Smile Of Rose

Smile Of Rose

A Poem by Adelana Victor

In this poem, the speaker describes the profound and mysterious allure of a woman's smile, comparing it to a rose that blooms in the garden of his hea..

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