Tags : omens

Cemetery Morning

Cemetery Morning

A Poem by Verser

Crows call sky to pines Among the assembled dead-- A cacophony of stones
Dreams of Omen

Dreams of Omen

A Poem by Stephen

There`s no way to find me beyond the EdenWinds blow me, honey find me in your heart's domainMy voices are always reverberating around you allEvery-tim..
Augustian Prophecy

Augustian Prophecy

A Poem by TheRaven

My final days are coming, and that of the republic. Yet, I do not feel fear.
The other house--demon rabbit

The other house--demon rabbit

A Chapter by Carina Baumert

Phase 14 - A recently vacated home has one sinister occupant despite its apparent emptiness.
The Great Liar

The Great Liar

A Poem by da_great

Do we have the control on our life, or is it Fate anymore?
Apocalyptic Poems

Apocalyptic Poems

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Apocalyptic Poems and Prophetic Poems