Tags : poem

I live

I live

A Poem by Jason Kiba

not grimacing, but staining


A Chapter by Bre

Depression is a illness that comes from the brain.Sometimes you have certain chemical imbalances that cause you to be depressed.It is nothing you do a..
words don't always rhyme

words don't always rhyme

A Book by Bre

This is a poem book about all things broken.


A Poem by Cole Hayley



A Poem by Adam Weems

Consistent manic anger, i feel it in the air as it lingersAs it twists me around it's grotesque fingersAnd i protest against this malevolent persisten..


A Poem by Maggie Lucia

True strength comes from standing up to ourselves.


A Poem by Bre

Life.Life is hard.Life is difficult.But you know what?It's worth it.All the way.No matter how hard it is to deal with,keep going.
My Life

My Life

A Poem by Bre

My life is made up of depression and anxiety.I never found good coping strategies,except to cut my sorrows away.Every day and night,I find myself cryi..
Edge of the Woods

Edge of the Woods

A Poem by Lovecraft

Being Lost and finding a Path.


A Poem by Kailey Danielle

A poem reflecting damage done in and around Houston, Texas, due to the Hurricane and Tropical Storm Harvey that hit in August 2017.
An Eldritch Voice

An Eldritch Voice

A Poem by Sabastian1122

A sonnet about an enraptured captain.


A Poem by Sylvia Chika

Clothed in white Not dead Not in Heaven Not even at my wedding Far from it All in white Running down the hallway Searching for th..
At a Red Light on a Rainy Afternoon

At a Red Light on a Rainy Afternoon

A Poem by CookeCody

Sometimes on rainy days I take a drive. No music, no passengers. I let the legions of wet sheets speak on my windshield, tapping and pitterpattering i..
The Dream Maker

The Dream Maker

A Poem by Lovecraft

The Dream Maker


A Poem by Bre

I am worried.Not worried about me,not worried about you.Worried about mom and dad.Mom and dad are not parenting.It just seems like they don't care.I f..


A Poem by MoonChild

Your suffocating in your emotions Stuck in time with no motion Your head full of challenges you just cannot face While the world around you goe..
The Call Centre

The Call Centre

A Poem by Quinn

My experience with working at a call centre this summer