Tags : poetry

The Great Hill Arose

The Great Hill Arose

A Poem by Dían

The Great Hill Arose The great hill arose, To hide the horizon shown. To separate humankind From the truly unknown. But what i..
The depth of autumn

The depth of autumn

A Poem by Chin-hooi Ng

Inspired by the autumn landscape
Assorted Poetry

Assorted Poetry

A Poem by penhive

These are a collection of poems dealing with nature, love, erotica, and passion.


A Poem by penhive

These are two Haikus
One Woman's Wet Nightmare

One Woman's Wet Nightmare

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

In this terza rima poem, a woman has been given no choice but to have something happen to her and watch it happen to a friend.


A Poem by penhive

These are a collection of Haikus
the beckoning

the beckoning

A Poem by Elle

Saw Her Standing In Front Of Open Window

Saw Her Standing In Front Of Open Window

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

In this tanka poem, one person describes what another has been seen doing in front of an open window.
Before She Opened Her Robe And Flashed

Before She Opened Her Robe And Flashed

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

What happens between a teacher and a student when they are alone is being explained in this nonet poem.
my dearest

my dearest

A Poem by ggubie

unsent letter
Our Love

Our Love

A Poem by Lisa C

Enduring love
Agree To Let Linda Talk Them Into That Idea

Agree To Let Linda Talk Them Into That Idea

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This triquain poem is about what has caused three friends to get an idea that's better than the original.
The One Position She Was Found In

The One Position She Was Found In

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

The author of this nine word lune poem talks about the one certain position that person has found a friend in.


A Poem by That One Poet

Fireflies, we chase them we admire them. At illi evanescet
But the jails fill up...

But the jails fill up...

A Poem by Dían

They want to take your freedom.'They' is not a he or a she.'They' is a machinedisguised as a friend,who no longer wants freedom to ring.Except from th..


A Poem by penhive

This is a Haiku.


A Poem by godlucifer



A Poem by Michael R. Burch

What She Saw In The Shower

What She Saw In The Shower

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This free verse poem is about what it is that a woman has discovered in her shower after coming home from a date.