Tags : screenplay

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit

A Screenplay by Leland johnson

The name of my script is called Forbidden Fruit It's a Modern day Adam and eve story about a family that moves into a house that sits on the las..
At Dawn

At Dawn

A Screenplay by MRSKnightmare

'Oh, Death was never enemy of ours! We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum' He laughs at death, knowing there are better things to come. ..
Just Over the Hill

Just Over the Hill

A Screenplay by itsnotnatural

Son and father bonding time is interrupted.
STD: Tatooine (StormTrooper Detail) Episode 4 - The No Hopers - Part 1

STD: Tatooine (StormTrooper Detail) Episode 4 - Th..

A Screenplay by Leon C

A mash up between Star Wars and reality show Cops finds us following a pair of Imperial Stormtroopers as they go about their business on an ordinary d..
STD: Tatooine (StormTrooper Detail) Episode 4 - The No Hopers - Part 2

STD: Tatooine (StormTrooper Detail) Episode 4 - Th..

A Screenplay by Leon C

A mash up of Star Wars and TV show COPS.
World War-3

World War-3

A Screenplay by chicaishtar13

This screenplay is of a mockumentary about a 3rd World War. Set in the New York city, this story takes you to the possibilities of horror and destruct..


A Screenplay by Candace

Modern day romance that's anything but romantic. Girl becomes obsessive over dirtbag. Work in progress.


A Screenplay by coopdville

“Life is just a brief spin around the rim before being lost forever down eternity’s glug-hole!”
Agent 64 - Dead Ringer

Agent 64 - Dead Ringer

A Screenplay by Jacob Scoggins

Script for an upcoming short film I'm directing. Thought I'd see if anyone has thoughts. Sorry for the format. It was originally a pdf lol.
Time in Space

Time in Space

A Story by Dana Graham Phelps

Science-Fiction Erotic Fantasy ( about PG level sexuality ). ©Dana Graham Phelps scicofilms.com SCi CO FILMS
Astranaut's Girlfriend (working title)

Astranaut's Girlfriend (working title)

A Screenplay by LaVonte' Malcom

A videographer chronicles the life of a young artist as she deals with the weight of her boyfriend leaving on a journey roughly 5-6 years.