Tags : sexuality

pomegranate wounds

pomegranate wounds

A Poem by kimpetersen13kp

girlhood and sexuality and wounds and bruises and the past and the future
we aren't going to do anything

we aren't going to do anything

A Poem by kimpetersen13kp

poetry about the culture of the body of women and their sexuality relative to men
Just a Body

Just a Body

A Poem by sky renee

Crowded rooms and empty beer cans, low lights and loud music, the smell of vodka and tequila, anything we could get our hands on. A name..
life in the cusp of the rose belly

life in the cusp of the rose belly

A Poem by kimpetersen13kp

life is, like, two sentences short just like modern poetry I'm tired of reading about how much you loved that faceless body then the bodies, those..
Extra Information, Loose Ends, and Clarification

Extra Information, Loose Ends, and Clarification

A Chapter by SparksInTheNight

The state Leonard used to live in was called Macomica. It was very urbanized. It had a lot of manufacturing, textiles, stuff like that. Coralivia was ..
Juliet Has a Gun

Juliet Has a Gun

A Story by Mylea

“Are you sure this is okay?”“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”“I don’t know, you seem kinda, uh,” as his voic..
My Sexuality

My Sexuality

A Poem by Chelle H

I wrote this when I was 15, and I think it has a nice message. You are loved, always
Organs of creativity

Organs of creativity

A Poem by Arundass TP

Bless you and I
Sexuality vs. Security

Sexuality vs. Security

A Poem by Kim Jimenez

Is this my mind’s creativity, Or my sexuality?
Carnal Storm

Carnal Storm

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Sermon to Society

Sermon to Society

A Story by ruth

I wrote this for my AP Language arts class (11th grade) and my teacher encouraged me to publish it.


A Story by SparksInTheNight

You're a girl. A girl with coal-black hair. You're alive. And the way you feel, trapped in a destiny you didn't choose, makes you yearn for any kind o..
I Wish I Were a Girl!

I Wish I Were a Girl!

A Poem by Ankit Kumar

Being a gay man in a country like India isn't easy. Every day, I feel how challenging it is to express my feelings to someone I like. Through this poe..


A Story by Grace Wolff

I would like to remember everything at once, so I can pick the memories from my mind and eat them. I wonder what it would taste like. The pleasant one..

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