Tags : slendermen

Entry 7: Police interview transcript - Felix Turner

Entry 7: Police interview transcript - Felix Turne..

A Chapter by AnonymousLad

Sanguine County Police DepartmentInterview Transcript - 04/28/13This document is evidence in a legal investigation of a major felony. Distribution, co..
Entry 8: Journal Entry of Harry Cook

Entry 8: Journal Entry of Harry Cook

A Chapter by AnonymousLad

04/27/13The older one is dead. Someone impaled her on a tree branch in the forest. It's all over the news, and police are everywhere in the neighborho..
Entry 9: Antigonish

Entry 9: Antigonish

A Chapter by AnonymousLad

Yesterday upon the stair,I met a man who wasn't thereHe wasn't there again todayOh how I wish He'd go away- 'Antigonish' - Hughes Mearns, 1899