Tags : socialism

"Harrison Bergeron" Essay

"Harrison Bergeron" Essay

A Story by Brian

An essay on some of the themes of the short story "Harrison Bergeron"
Freedom To Be Pink

Freedom To Be Pink

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Welcome to tyranny
Endgame-1 {or} Engame-2

Endgame-1 {or} Engame-2

A Poem by Austin Wade Runyon

Endgame-1(Yang) On a long enough timeline Assuming humanity does not wipe it's out Or life in whatever form The goal is to maximize happiness f..


A Poem by Apollos

Economic Reset Via Hybridized Trinity

Economic Reset Via Hybridized Trinity

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A bit of food for thought presented as an article of theoretical speculative conjecture ...
Globalist Warming:  A Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham Terminology & Article

Globalist Warming: A Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de G..

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Globalist Warming: A simple terminology of my own coining expounded upon as per my personal viewpoint and opinion ...
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham's Personal Mission Statement

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham's Personal Missi..

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

As per the title, my personal mission statement of exactly where I stand as an avid fan of The Human Race ...
The Power Behind The Thrones

The Power Behind The Thrones

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

Philosophical thoughts on the state of affairs in this world and society in which we live ...
A Resurrection's Return Of Feudalism

A Resurrection's Return Of Feudalism

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A thank you to Stuart Munroe and Fabian G. Franklin of Writerscafe.org
Poets & Politicians

Poets & Politicians

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

semi-artistic humor written as means of poking fun at we Poets, Politicians in general, & left wing political activist Noam Chomsky & right wing polit..

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