Tags : success

I will find my way

I will find my way

A Poem by CA Anurag Sharma

Another random words from my book
Count your blessings

Count your blessings

A Poem by Gerry Legister

Name all your blessings and count them each day
battling with pain

battling with pain

A Poem by vino

Just jotted the words as I'm right now unable to control my emotions thinking about my future and my stagnant life that I have right now.
The Fine Line

The Fine Line

A Poem by Octavious

The fine line of successful and blind.
You can do it.

You can do it.

A Poem by Lubna

I wrote this for my entrepreneur husband to encourage him for his new business.


A Poem by SteveTarasev

Never quite knowing if the true fool is me.
Creativity Inspires Belief

Creativity Inspires Belief


Inspiration is like a virus. If one does't get it another does.
Could this be real (a triumph of love)

Could this be real (a triumph of love)

A Poem by Taylor Williams

It's been a long while since I've been on here. This is a poem about a love that walked back into my life after years of trying to make up my wrong do..
Little Fly

Little Fly

A Poem by Ashadan

There are people who wanted to be on top all the time, but sometimes it good to be contented on what you have and what you are


A Poem by NeiL ArandA

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it back.
The Dichotomy of Failure and Success

The Dichotomy of Failure and Success

A Story by Gaston Villanueva

Some of us are more robot than human
Dear Graduates

Dear Graduates

A Story by alexborderie

This was a letter that I wrote to students who are graduating. I wrote this off of what ive learned through out my life so far. It is short yet to the..
I'll Keep Writing

I'll Keep Writing

A Book by CalvinnTay

The challenges of a young writer


A Chapter by CalvinnTay

I'd never thought of all my careful planning and work blowing up right in front of my face. I was at that point in life where you'd experience after y..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by CalvinnTay

My idea was to publish a book and my only marketing strategy was selling it to the 1% of the population of both Malaysia and Singapore. What could go ..