Tags : tears

Born of Serenity

Born of Serenity

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The sky dancers' dance, for the flower's grace, angel tears by chance, falls upon a new born's face.
Haiku No. 1

Haiku No. 1

A Poem by kinetrix

This is a line that came to me, fully formed as written down here, one soft wet August evening as I looked out my kitchen window.
Mental Assault

Mental Assault

A Story by Bella Andrews

Letting go isn't easy, but when the memories won't let you let go, what do you do?
Dark Tunnel

Dark Tunnel

A Poem by Hidden_identity

I'm in a dark Tunnel I've been in it for years Lost in the dark Difficult and tiring Unlike a walk in the park I can't see the light on the ot..
A Little Girl

A Little Girl

A Poem by Hidden_identity

A little girl is crying in the distance Nobody knows why She it sitting alone Saying good-bye A little girl is all alone In a dark, depressed p..
This Carmine Rose

This Carmine Rose

A Poem by Rece Fantoma

This comes from the soul. And there's nothing to be said that hasn't already been said... "Though lovers be lost love shall not; And death shall h..


A Poem by Rece Fantoma

Dating after loss...
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by

“Perhaps there is nothing more irreplaceable than a damaged soul”
Game Level 1

Game Level 1

A Chapter by

“When one’s happiness is gone, is it irretrievable?”


A Chapter by

"What is that thing called love ... lust"
Game Progress

Game Progress

A Chapter by

Love? ... Lust? ... Love? ... Lust?
Game Level 2

Game Level 2

A Chapter by

It is love ...
The point when the heart gets broken

The point when the heart gets broken

A Chapter by

It is a wise person who never allow oneself to feel so as not to get hurt, but who amongst us is wise?
The end

The end

A Chapter by

Where can a broken heart go to stop the ache?