Tags : temptation

Underneath the Speed Limit

Underneath the Speed Limit

A Story by terranova

A man comes to terms with himself.
Obscure Desire & Lust

Obscure Desire & Lust

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

Desire, temptation, magical taking that step into the unknown
Crack of the Whip !

Crack of the Whip !

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

Lust and temptation.. throbbing and teasing !!
My Temptress

My Temptress

A Poem by Somebrownnerd

Got caught up.
Memoirs of the forbidden

Memoirs of the forbidden

A Poem by Bewitching Sensations

forbidden desires.. I cant go back
The Curtain of My Smile

The Curtain of My Smile

A Poem by SyberRose

Why do I float like driftwood?whenever I think of you,Floating freely... An aura,an aura of a sapphire hueEnchanting nights I surrender,sweet lips and..
Night at the Office

Night at the Office

A Poem by Sarah Stearns

Temptatious is shewho drives a red dress,with pumps for hewho has a hard desk.


A Poem by akihsna

I considered smoking as hazardous. Not that I tried it yet! I don't want anybody to be influenced by these words of mine. Just that I now have another..
i'll be there

i'll be there

A Poem by jwenjwen

this is a load of experiences and hopes put together when you're facing what seem to be the darkest days of your life and someone comes along...


A Poem by Jessica Jean

For evil to be handsome is a given It's what makes the soul falter to give in For if evil was hairy Dirty and scary There'd be no reason to love h..
Fighting in the fire

Fighting in the fire

A Poem by Kaelee Wyant

It could mean something different to everyone


A Story by hayley-martin

A story of temptation.
Tempting Apple

Tempting Apple

A Poem by ErosNthanatos

I thought I found an exquisite apple hidden in the pile, I dig deep to find. That special one so ripe and beautiful Sink my mouth I long to do B..
Oh Temptation

Oh Temptation

A Poem by Kingsley M. U. Obike

Oh tempation how I loathe thee;Oh temptation how I thank thee;To define me you may;Failure to own me will leave you to dismay.