Tags : time%20travel

May 14, 2068

May 14, 2068

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Darko threaded them through a couple of commercial aircraft all the way back to Kansas where they spent most of the day catching up with their family...
Justin Time

Justin Time

A Book by Jake

May 15, 2069

May 15, 2069

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo could not open his eyes, despite knowing that he had to in order to survive. A great roar came from under his a*s and vibrated his entire body. ..
May 16, 2070

May 16, 2070

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

They slept the rest of the day away, but were still tired come midnight. Just after jumping into the future, Makarion aggressively woke them up. &ldqu..
Time Travel: Eureka

Time Travel: Eureka

A Poem by Vincent Penn

A haiku about the discovery of time travel.
Time Travel 2: This Day

Time Travel 2: This Day

A Poem by Vincent Penn

A tanka poem about time loops. It's a follow up to my other time travel poem, Eureka.
May 17, 2071

May 17, 2071

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

They felt rested enough the following year that they decided to watch a few of their remaining films in real time; the ones that showed a little bit m..
City in the sky

City in the sky

A Poem by A. Salazar

I'm really trying to find my writing style. I love science fiction, but I have problems with losing interest in stories while I'm writing them. So I t..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

When we think of the long ago of our lives, which bits do we remember?


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

“Makarion,” Vearden repeated, but not sarcastically.“Interesting name,” Saga said. “Common in the future?”“I..
May 18, 2072

May 18, 2072

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Following the jump to the future, Mateo lovingly pulled back from Leona’s embrace. He pretended to be perturbed and said, “wow, I asked yo..
Another Day

Another Day

A Story by Sophie Langridge

Maybe Kim Smith was paranoid, but she had the growing sense that she, and the rest of the world, were going round in circles. Luckily for her, she was..


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Saga and Vearden worked together to drag the set of instructions for the replica of the Colosseum out of the cave, along with the chest itself. There ..
May 19, 2073

May 19, 2073

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Mateo and Leona decided to watch Transporter 3 for a third time after the jump. This was after they watched all other films in the Transporter franchi..


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

They woke at first light and looked at Step One in their instructions for the Colosseum job. They were being asked to find a nice open space to build ..
May 19, 2073 (continued)

May 19, 2073 (continued)

A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

“Get out of the car,” Darko ordered.“What just happened?” Mateo asked in a panic.“Leave the car now and ask questions la..


A Chapter by Nick Fisherman

Vearden never had a thirst for blood, and never thought he would kill anyone, not a human anyway. But this was different. Saga was in danger, and that..