Tags : wizard

Fire And Ice

Fire And Ice

A Story by Kyle J. Lawson

Two great beasts duke it out on the battlefield.
Fire And Ice (Rework #1)

Fire And Ice (Rework #1)

A Story by Kyle J. Lawson

Two great beasts battle for power on a torn battlefield.


A Book by Sylvia E. Lioness

Continuing the amazing Harry Potter Series... with a twist!!!
The Mysterious Mansion

The Mysterious Mansion

A Book by MCN Kavanagh

Mark Amelia and James are three children who live in Tomales. Three years ago they were abandoned by their parents and warned about a mysterious mansi..
Traitor's Defiance

Traitor's Defiance

A Chapter by SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

Xenia chooses to ignore her fears of capture despite a narrow miss with two orc soldiers from her homeland and go to her usual haunt- the archery rang..


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

As their pursuers close in on them, Aurei's group is told of a possible way to escape them.
Judgment Day

Judgment Day

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Rori Sanyala, the Necromancer Guild Sorceress captured by Aurei and Eleazar, now faces judgement for her crimes.
The Guardian Saga - Volume I

The Guardian Saga - Volume I

A Book by Arutha

The Guardian Saga is the tale of Mallera, a world on the brink of disaster. Follow a sea of characters as they each play their roles - unwitting or no..
Fiasco Vacation

Fiasco Vacation

A Chapter by TK Wayne

Eleven-year-old Alex Sherwood and her two siblings, Alyssa and Jen, helped their parents carry several bulky suitcases to the boot of their car. ..
Daniel's Early Days

Daniel's Early Days

A Chapter by Kjerstina House

Ch. 8 The Vision-Before Daniel became a powerful Mage, he was just a boy. Follow Daniel from the beginning as he receives his powers, has many adventu..