Tags : work



A Poem by robing123456

The snooze button
Shadows of Reality

Shadows of Reality

A Story by Sam Mason

A story I wrote for my english GCSE coursework, ignore any references to video games and yes I put myself in the story, i was a strange child
Blood Records

Blood Records

A Poem by Mike Davies

A poem about family and the place I grew up in. Hopefully with a universal message.
Play Everyday

Play Everyday

A Poem by Jack...

Have fun while you still can


A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A frustrated poem about one of my worst habits.


A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A poem about the people in my life who are suspiciously nice.
The Boring One

The Boring One

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A love song. This guy at my former workplace was always asking me about myself and I wondered why he was so interested since I think I'm a pretty bor..
The Cruel Cookie Cutter

The Cruel Cookie Cutter

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A rebellion against rules and restrictions.
The Green and White Snake

The Green and White Snake

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A poem about the GO Train in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Hospital Whisper

Hospital Whisper

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

My mom died, I told my crush, he was on painkillers and the way he talked to me made me wish I had never told him.


A Poem by Naomi Bloom

Love song lyrics about a guy from work.

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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