Dear Santa

Dear Santa

A Poem by Tamme

This was for a contest a while ago




Dear Santa Claus,


How’s the weather in the north pole?

Is there really a pole that sticks out of the ground that says north pole? Or is that just make believe stuff the show on tv like big bird and elmo?  Are all your raindere ok? Will you be using Rudolf this year? I hope so, how do you make his nose glow?  Daddy said you probably give him to Jack Daniels…

You know what, I tried really really really hard to be good this year.  I tawt the dog to walk herself…  I am sure she’ll be back soon, but mommy said she probably got a car ride to the farm.  Maybe she likes it there cause she’s been there since the summer time.  I was really helpful.

I showed my little sister how to put on mommy’s make up…  But she drawed on the walls with the lipstick so I don’t think she should get anything for xmas.  Oh and guess what? Daddy said he needed a new chip for his computer,  but I guess it supposed to be Barbeeq cause the plane ones I put in there just made daddy buy a whole new computer. 

So this Christmas I would be really really really very happy if you brung me the Butterscotch pony.  Mommy said that it’s really expensive and you mite not be able to bring.  Silly mom, Santa doesn’t nedd money.  And I like the pink Nintendo Ds.  Cause the pink ones for girls.  I want a bratz doll to please, daddy says they look like slutz.  What’s a slutz? I think theyr cloths are really cool.  Maybe you can get me clothes like that to.  And more makeup cause mommy put hers up really high for some reason.  I guess you can bring my little sister something so I don’t have to here her cry.  She crys a lot.  You should prolly bring earplugs with you incase she crys while you’re here.  Ok santa that’s all I can think of that I really want, but I would like more then 3 things so I will leave it up to you. 

I love you so much!!!


© 2008 Tamme

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Hahaha! Too cute! I absolutely love it. You capture the innocence of kids well and I love how you show that kids listen better than you think they do. Very nice write!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2008



Poconos, PA

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