Artful Winter Winds

Artful Winter Winds

A Poem by Richard Williams

Designs of winter winds.


Artful winter winds

send snow over rows
of white hills, then skim
across skates and the sleeping winter lake.

Artful winds spend drifts of energy,
rush with sheets of fleece,
stealthily they fly,
expressing exquisite designs.

Encrusted bluffs feel the thrust
of artful winter winds,
become sculpted, carved, caressed:
Stoic cliffs secondary to the sketcher.

© 2010 Richard Williams

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hi thanks for entry into my seasons competition, i liked the repeated phrase throughout the poem of the title, thanks so much, good luck.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Congratulations again on placing in my Write Me a Poem! writing contest!

What spoke to me when I read this poem was the way your language seems to intensify as the poem goes on. Your first stanza appears pleasantly simple in word choice, and yet, it has a unique rhythm. I especially like your use of the word "skim" to create an image of light, wispy winter winds. In the second stanza, when the wind seems to be blowing a bit harder, I love the fact that you use more energetic words like "rush". Your last stanza is more forceful, as exemplified in the line "Encrusted bluffs feel the thrust". That's what's so impressive about this poem; without directly stating it, you make the winds appear stronger and more beautiful with each stanza. You conjure up a feeling of an artist's passion and natural gift to create as personified by the undeniable beauty of winter winds.

I truly enjoyed reading this poem, and thank you again for your participation!

Posted 10 Years Ago

The wind as an artist, I have often admired the creations of the wind.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A beautiful painting of winters artistry.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on October 7, 2010
Last Updated on October 7, 2010
Tags: winter, winds, snow, white, hills, skates, lake, energy, fleece, designs, bluffs, cliffs

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