*Get Smart Act 9*

*Get Smart Act 9*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of act 8, sorry for the delay

*6:35 P.M.
*On an alleyway near Irving way
Zack, held by his two hands , is dragged into an alley near Leah's house.
'I guess they're not idiots after all' he thought. he felt the cold hands binding 
him of his ability to think and decide.
After all being surrounded by five Mexican dudes with a dire look on their face 
isn't welcoming at all and so he sigh.
"Looks like you've given up boy" Said the man who seems to be the leader.
The other men surrounding him gave a faint smile as if saying 'you deserve it for 
messing with us' and Zack thought how right they were.
"Well enough chit chat let's get this over with" Said the man producing a blade 
from his pocket.
Something like a wind hits Zack as the blade flashed on his eyes, it's like the 
shape is trying to imprint itself on his retinas.
The length, the color, the shape, Everything about it.
The man moved closer bringing the Knife towards his face.
Zack stared at the knife 'now it looks clearer' he thought
The Jagged saw-like edge on the top and a smooth Bowie edge on the bottom gave him 
a welcome as sweat pour down on his face.
"Hasta la vista boy" the man whispered softly as if praying.
"Hey hold it right there!!" a voice came from the end of the alleyway
The five men looked straight towards it, apparently ignoring Zack for a moment.
Zack quickly used this time to escape as the grip of the men behind him somehow 
'Okay now' he thought 
He pulled his arms free and ran as fast as he can
"Hey! he's escaping after him!" Said the two men who we're holding him.
"Damn it! after him"! Said the leader,Sebasto.
The group ran towards Zack's direction, pushing every heap of debris out of the 
way as they pursue.
Zack looked behind him only to see furious animals after him.
'Oh crap they're gonna catch up' he thought, Thanks to his latter walking he 
managed to run this fast but it's not up par to professional thugs like them.
The only chance he's gonna escape is to reach the end of the alley.
The darkness swallowed him as he venture in deeply, dropping every garbage cans 
possible to slow his pursuer but they're just to stubborn to give up.
The clanging of the garbage cans he pushed down acts as a sonar to determine where 
and how much did his pursuers gained on him.
And of course they we're close as hell.
'10 meters away' he thought without looking behind.
He felt his lungs and legs burn as he ran through the alley.
his vision started to whiten as he look forward.
Light has started to erupt at the end.
'That's it' he thought.
Zack hanged his head down and began to sprint burning every oxygen his body could 
take as he drive head down towards the end.
"He's gonna get away! what the hell are you idiots doing?!" the voice shouted 
behind him as he kept running.
Apparently his legs we're running to fast he lost balance and fell face first on 
the floor, his vision was covered in a flash of white then darkness as pain erupts 
on his temple like it's being ripped into two.
And of course like all the cliche movies we see, where the protagonist slips and 
so did Zack.
It hurts so much that he began to get drowsy as the foot steps came closer.
He lifted his head up but of no use, he can only stare at the light inches away 
from him.
He laughed
'Damn it hurts' he thought.
Not the pain, not the darkness but the fact that the end is closer to you than 
anybody else then failing to achieve it hurts more than failure from the start.
The foot steps are only inches away from him 
*tap tap tap tap*
Their voice traveled on Zack's ears but it only came in as audible moans as the 
ringing pain travels around his head.
Gently he closed his eyes
'I did my part' he thought and smiled as darkness fills his vision.
"Wake up boy!" Said a familiar voice.
"Hrrmmm" grumbled Zack with eyes still shut, as he slowly remember who's voice is 
it that calls him he tried to open his eyes.
Gently  light passed in as he register his environment.
He's inside a room with tables laid with torture devices on top and near that 
table is the voice that is calling him, Sebasto.
"He tried to move his arms but only to figure out he's strapped in some kind of 
wooden wheel that looked pretty medieval.
And like a clockwork the man turned around, his eyes full of anger.
Zack stared back feeling dull from the fear.
The man smiled
Then darkness....
Zack felt heavy and painful specially on the face.
He wondered how the hell did he got this hurt.
Then he remembered the chase at the hallway.
He Bolt his eyes out open, only to be blinded.
"Ow!" he yelped as he cover his eyes with his weak hands.
Slowly he removed them and saw a white ceiling.
"huh?" he mumbled, he turned his head to the left.
A table that looks like from a hospital, a glass paneled door and a T.V sitting on 
a wooden table with cable on top of it.
Strange everything looks like it came from a hospital
He rubbed his head only to wince in pain
"I thought I was.." he mumbled when suddenly the door opened
"Zack?! you're awake" Came Leah and ran towards him.
She hugged him which made Zack blush
"Whoa easy there" he exclaimed after clearing his head.
"Oh! uh.. I just got a bit excited" Leah took a step back and sat on his bedside.
Zack stare at her profile, recovering his memories but to no avail.
"All right now can you fill me in on what happened?" Zack asked.
"Oh right!" Leah exclaimed then took a deep breath as if she's tired running.
"After Jason shouted at the alleyway you predicted they'll take you in, The police 
arrived just in time to see your body sprawled out near the end of the alleyway 
opposite from where Jason shouted."  Leah frowned then looked at Zack
"Are you ok?" She asked leaning in a bit.
Zack instinctively leaned back "Yeah don't worry well maybe a bit" he feeled his 
face a bit.
He remembered that he was almost at the end  of the tunnel when he slipped and 
fell down face first.
He frowned at his idiocy then sighed.
"Looks like everything worked out in the end huh?" he stated.
"Yeah we also got the henchmen by the station too,Oh! and the chief police there 
told us to visit there once you're awake" Leah exclaimed excitedly.
"Allright" Zack smiled back at Leah
Slowly Leah turned away "Oh and Zack.." She said in a low voice
"Thanks for saving me"
"Don't mention it that's what friends are for"
'Friends..' thought Leah, depression tinge her for a bit
"Yeah that's right! now that you I owe you one, state your request okay? anything 
is fine, the naughty ones too *wink* *wink*" She playfully bit her lip
"I'll take you up to that" Zack replied then laid his head back to bed again
"What about Maureen?" Asked Zack looking up the white ceiling
"Worried sick expect her any moment now- oh speak of the devil" Leah looked 
towards the door as it opens and there stood Maureen.
Her face contorted in anger but looked even more cute than terrifying.
"You stupid idiot dumb bahonee!!" she spoke consecutively as she launch herself 
towards Zack's body.
"Ow hey I'm hurt!"
Maureen laid her head down on his chest ad looked up
"It's your punishment for making me worry so deal with it" she continued to sulk 
on his chest as Leah contains her laughter.
"Men you're a handful" Zack petted Maureen and looks up, It seems the police just 
got there in time when he slipped.
'I'm quite skilled at luck' he thought.
"What about Jason?" 
"Still taking care of the papers upon admitting you here in the hospital" replied 
"I thought Maureen would do that" 
"Well that may be the case but you would not like her to end up as your wife in 
the official report right?" Leah smiled coyly.
"Oh.. right thanks" Zack sighed a relief.
"I was close though on achieving my dreams" Maureen added.
This worried Zack of course since her sister is spoiled too much 
'I must find a way for her to meet new guys' he thought
"Well I think I'm okay now so why don't we head to the station?" 
"Nope another day of rest for you mister" replied Leah
"What but it would cost me a grand I don't have enough-" 
"That's what friends are for right?" Maureen exclaimed cutting Zack off.
"Thank you Leah for helping us" Maureen stood up from Zack's chest and bowed at 
Leah in respect
"Whoa no need to do that! it's fine since he saved my life" Leah smiled wihle 
waving her hands in embarrassment.
"Hey yo!! the Man has arrived!!" Exclaimed Jason enthusiastically marching like a 
nazi at the door
"Hey big guy how are things?" asked Leah
"in the bag!" Jason replied
"Hey what's that ink at you hand?" asked Maureen.
"What?" Jason looked inder his had and found a huge blotch of ink.
"Oh maybe it's from the pen when I was filling up Zack's admitance paper" 
"Wow are you that much of a ditz to magically stick the ink there?" asked Leah 
"No I-" Jason looked flustered.
"Waha! Jason is a clutz!" teased Maureen.
"Hey I'm Not!" Defended Jason
"Uh.. what about my rest guys?" Zack exclaimed only to be ignored by the trio's 
energetic voice and sketch.
Zack smiled, he managed to save his friends and catch the criminals.
Now this seals the deal, we're going to compete against a Mexican group just how 
are we gonna hold up?
he sighed, 'I'm to young for this' he thought

© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

Sorry for the delay guys! rain kills the signal here!

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Added on May 31, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..


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