*Get Smart Act 10*

*Get Smart Act 10*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of Act 9

*6:31 A.M.
"All right all set!" exclaimed Maureen holding a bag on her left arm.
"Yep let's leave this place it's giving a nausea." He added slinging another bag 
on his shoulder, it's his school bag.
"Are you really gonna be okay? attending school after hospitalization?" asked 
Maureen looking at her brother.
"Heh you don't know how tough I am" bragged Zack flexing his muscle.
Maureen frowned and gave him a flick on his face
"Ow! not the face!" Zack winced
"Yeah tough allright!" Maureen giggled.
"Oh shut up" Returned Zack as they walk out of the door.
The eerie long hallway echoed their foot steps
staring at the white walls gives them a feeling of un-belonging.
Maureen took a step closer to Zack
"Scared?" asked Zack smiling.
"NO! I'm just trying to conserve space!" Exclaimed Maureen
"Yeah right" Zack laughed at Maureen's excuse.
Thanking his friends in the head he read the expenses
"200 pounds? what an expensive a*s hospital" he mumbled.
"I know right? good thing you have kind friends like them" Replied Maureen.
"I guess so but still I feel bad" Zack hanged his head down
"Hey they already said not to worry about it!" Maureen blocked off the path 
determined to change Zack's thought.
"I know.." Zack petted her to ease up.
Together they walked away from Hendon hospital, where he was admitted, and head 
towards brooke's college.
The scene of track runners never failed to greet Zack as they energetically run in 
The sound of their trudging soles on the ground calms Zack, happy that he's still 
alive today but there's still some ends to be tied up.
After waving good bye to his sister, he went on to his respective class room only 
to find to Leah and Jason.
"Hey how are you feeling?" asked Leah.
"Fine" he replied
"You must be since you're needed at the station after school" Commented Jason 
leaning back on his chair like a boss.
The classroom looms over them, the silence and tranquility
longing for the continuation of this peace seems impossible starting now
"Listen guys since we got their men get behind bars you must prepare for the 
coming consequences" Zack stared outside the window as the sun rises covering both 
Leah and Jason in his shadow.
"Don't worry we'll sleep with one eye open" Jason confidently replied.
"I don't about that but I'll try my best" Leah sound a bit scared.
It doesn't surprise Zack that his friends are on the edge right now since they are 
currently on war with a shady organization.
He tried to think of a solution but only one appears, and that is to take town the 
man in the business suit in short the whole Mexican group, he looked at the two, 
they seem to be thinking the same thing as if their thoughts are synchronized.
"Well for now let's get ready I think a quiz will be coming up" Zack said then 
looked at Jason
He visually winced "Not again!" Jason Despaired
"Right I'll review now, you better too Jason" Added Leah.
"I know I know!" Jason Nervously produce his notebook from his bag.
'at least some part of our life retains normality' Thought Zack.
*10:11 A.M
Interrupted the bell disrupting the teacher's focus.
"Ahem, That will be all for this day class remember to study our subject today" The 
teacher bid his farewells and walked out of the classroom.
The lunch time began and the students stood up and gathered on their own groups
From the geeks to jocks they converged into one and heads out of the class.
Silence ensured the place as three people we're only left behind.
"Well then shall we?" Spoke Jason.
"Where to?" Leah asked while gathering her belongings.
"Cafeteria?" answered Zack
"Not this time" Jason raised his finger and wags it around.
The silence listened to the trio as they plan their lunch and agreed to eat at 
Maxie's near Brooke college.
Maxie's a local food joint who specializes in chicken dish.
It's roast legs and rich taste brags on how unique and special each dish they make
As if every order are treated as snow flakes, no one is the same, this also goes 
to each chicken they cook and prepare.
Just as how special each dish is so does the price follows.
Zack staggered as he stares at the numbers on the menu above the counter.
'120 pounds for a leg dish?' he thought while counting in his head how many ration 
he can buy to last in a month.
"Hey are you okay Zack? you look pale" Leah teasingly smiled at him
'Oh you planned this didn't you?' he thought then placed his eyes on Jason whose 
whistling like a stranger 'That's not convincing' Retorted Zack.
Sighing was his only response as usual.
After the group ordered they took their seat near the kid's playground.
The Maroon tiled floor filled the ground and light orange wall covered the place
Giving off a legit aura of 'this is a restaurant where you should eat'
"All right now to our next agenda" Leah gathered up the group's attention
"Never a dull moment huh?" Jason took a bite of a leg
"Of course, we don't know what they will do next" Returned Leah as she craves on 
chicken wings
"I agree but let's get more detailed information from the horse's mouth" Zack 
Plunge his chicken deep into the gravy sauce.
The group talked and ate seriously criticizing the taste from the price.
"This chicken is good, I guess they are worth the price" Zack took another bite
"Yup so let's enjoy this as a victory party" Added Leah.
"Don't worry Zack it's on the house!" Exclaimed Jason acting as if he owns the 
"All right here's our protocol for now" Zack gathered his thoughts
The two nodded.
"If any of us saw anything weird or out of place, no matter how stupid is it, 
immediately contact each other or the police if it's dire got that?" Zack leaned 
closer to emphasize his order
They again both nodded.
"We don't know what revenge are they going to put but I expect it to be paid in 
price just like this chicken" as if to emphasize his point he raised one and took 
a deep bite out of it.
"You know that really ruins the serious mood" Replied Leah as she tries to hold 
off her laughter
"I know but the chicken just taste soo good!" Exclaimed Zack and took another bite
"We'll leave that for later but for now food!" Jason Quickly snatched a piece off 
Leah's plate.
"Hey that's a crime! I'm gonna sue you on avian court!" Retorted Leah then 
followed it with a laugh apparently the group perfectly blended with the crowd of 
a family restaurant.
After the groups enthusiastic lunch they ended their classes and finally meet up 
outside the gate.
*12:30 P.M.
"So you all ready?" asked Zack
"You bet!" answered Jason
"Yup" Answered Leah
"Be gentle okay?" mumbled Maureen
"Huh? I think someone said something dangerous" Zack frowned
"You're just hearing things" Maureen answered "Let's go!" she pumps her fist up.
Traveling to the irving way station isn't much of a drag since it's only a few 
kilometers from their School.
The glass windows surrounding the lobby show off how well maintained this precinct 
in the road of Irving way and the staff seems prideful about it too.
White tiles and blue walls, a typical precinct, nothing more nothing less.
Jason expertly led the group to the main desk where a grumpy man seems to be 
looming over some files, he quickly took a sneak up 
"Take the left hallway and you should reach a door with an inspector name on it"
said the man quickly and returned to his work
Jason shrugged "There goes our taxes"
following the man's direction they reached the door labeled with 'Inspector 
Duffinson' on the frosted glass pane.
Jason took a deep breath and looked behind him.
The group stared back at him.
Building up enough courage he knocked on the door
"Come in" a Deep voice came from inside.
Jason put his hand on the knob and turned it open making the door release an eerie 
creak followed by a noisy tapping of a type writer.
The man seems to be absorbed in his job
"Ahem" Jason cleared his throat catching the man's attention
"Ah! sorry about that" the man quickly stood up and met Zack's eyes
He pointed at him like a criminal "You again?" accused the man.
"Oh so you're name is Duffinson" Zack replied
The three looked at him in shock
Leah was the first to break the silence "You know him Zack?"
"Yeah I kinda know him a bit" answered Zack while scratching his head
"yeah well we kinda got together on a case but it's nothing to worry about" The 
man named Duffinson gave Zack a knowing glance.
"hmmm something smells fishy" Maureen Placed her hand on her chin
"Now now that's not what we came for here isn't it" Duffinson intelligently 
directed the subject to another urgent matter.
"Oh right so what now?" Answered Jason.
"Please take seat" Duffinson offered the group to seat on a dirty brown couch
They winced in unison but agreed in the end to not disrespect the Inspector.
"You gave as quite a trouble you know?" Said the man while browsing on the 
archives of his file cabinet with lettered folders arranged in alphabetical order.
Then he fished out a file, a thick one.
"Sorry about the trouble then" Zack Replied.
"Heh it actually helped our reputation so it's a needed trouble" The man returned 
and laid a fat file on the table in front of them which perfectly reminded Zack of 
his first encounter with this man.
Act 10 end

© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

All right let's continue

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Added on June 1, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
