Eye for an eye.

Eye for an eye.

A Poem by I'llXloveXherXforever

The trouble with it.

You hit my dad.
I beat yours.
You touch hurt my family.
I'll visit yours in the hospital.
You insult my sister.
I'll make yours bawl her eyes.
You stab me.
I'll bleed you out.
You kick my dog.
Yours will have a new scar in the morning.
You kill my friend.
I'll be sent to jail the next day for your murder.
The problem with an eye for an eye is every one ends up blind.
Why bother.

© 2012 I'llXloveXherXforever

My Review

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Pretty sure Ghandi had said something like this in his age...but I think yours was a little different haha.
I thought it was unique and I was a little confused of why you were describing incidents that could happen like they were warning messages. But to tell you the truth, I got so caught up into them that I wasn't really expecting the end...which had a really nice meaning. Nice effect.
I loved your truth man, I just wish everyone would understand..

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2012
Last Updated on August 5, 2012




I've Been looking for a way to get out emotions other then writing in my journal because even if I wright in it its still not really letting it out. more..
