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A Poem by I'llXloveXherXforever

When two become one. Not all men are in it just for the thrill.

There is some one out there for everyone.
When you meat them for real hits harder then a loaded gun.

They love, they trust.
They give into lust.

You take a moment, to see that sparkle in their eye.
That hits you harder.
Makes you want to cry.
That moment where you don't care if you live nor die.

During all the commotion including the shortening of the breath
You swear for a moment you can see being with them till death.

Your life flashes. 
Your heart dashes.

Your blood pumps.
Their bodies bump.

Brain prancing.
Hearts dancing.

Brains get frozen.
They both have chosen.

For that moment fire works are shot.
You can't help but oddly feel caught.

Caught because you feel all your secrets are show
In a strange way your cover is blow.

In that moment everything becomes undone.
In that moment two lovingly become one.

© 2012 I'llXloveXherXforever

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Added on August 6, 2012
Last Updated on August 6, 2012




I've Been looking for a way to get out emotions other then writing in my journal because even if I wright in it its still not really letting it out. more..
