Forgetting you

Forgetting you

A Poem by The Concealed Prince

How can I forget when I first saw you?
How can I forget the first words you said to me?
How can I forget your name?
How can I forget your smile?
How can I forget the way I made you laugh?
How can I forget falling for you?
How can I forget the way you walked past me in the halls?
How can I forget the guys that only used you and left?
How can I forget watching you suffer?
How can I forget the way my stomach twisted and turned when I approached you?
How can I forget the way you walked away when I told you I loved you?
How can I forget the pain you caused me?
How can I forget the way you approached me the next day?
How can I forget your tears of confusion?
How can I forget the way you confessed your feelings for me?
How can I forget holding you later that night?
How can I forget the way you fell asleep in my arms?
How can I forget the many dates we had after that?
How can I forget the nights we stayed up late on the phone with each other?
How can I forget our first kiss?
How can I forget our first fight?
How can I forget the way you stormed out of my house?
How can I forget realizing I was wrong?
How can I forget running after you?
How can I forget that drunk driver?
How can I forget that horrible accident?
How can I forget holding you under the street light?
How can I forget all of those tears?
How can I forget hearing you tell me you love me for the last time?
How can I forget you dying in my arms?

I'll tell you how,
With this bottle of alcohol, these pills, and this night.
I'll see you soon.

© 2011 The Concealed Prince

Author's Note

The Concealed Prince
I wrote this one about 2 years ago. :P

My Review

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Wow very nice! Powerful

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the ending. As a matter of fact, I love the entire thing. This has been already said, though I'll still say it, it is dramatic. I like it. =) Keep writing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful. I love the repitition, the dramatic ending, and the story altogether.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. Dramatic from start to finish. Nicely written!

Posted 14 Years Ago

God---great poem-i mean -i love the repetition-but
those last three lines are very-very-very affecting:-)


Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 30, 2011


The Concealed Prince
The Concealed Prince


Quiet boy. Creative Girl. Pride. I've got a lot on my mind. I let some of it out here. So, these stories, they're just a couple of things that bounce around in my head. more..
