Intruder at the gate

Intruder at the gate

A Poem by The Concealed Prince

She's breaking past my wall.


There’s an intruder at the gate

I’d built this invisible fence around me

I locked it,

I threw away the key.


There’s an intruder at the gate

And she says she’ll never leave

She wants the truth

To know the secrets hidden inside of me.


There’s an intruder at the gate

I can’t let her in

She’ll break me down

And get under my skin


There’s an intruder at the gate

And she’s promise she’ll figure me out

She’ll get in my head

She’ll eat me from the inside out.


There’s an intruder at the gate

And I don’t know what to do

She’s getting to me

But she has no clue


There’s an intruder at the gate

I’ve got to keep this mask on

I can’t let her see me

I can’t show her what she’s done


There’s an intruder at the gate

She’s peeling my layers off clean

She’s shaking me down

And I’m coming apart at the seams


There’s an intruder at the gate

And she’s staring into my eyes

Staring into my soul

She’s pushing past my disguise


There’s an intruder at the gate

She’s picking at the lock

She’s breaking into me

She’s breaking past my mental block


There’s an intruder at the gate

And she’s let herself in

She’s finally seeing through me

I’ve given up and let her in


There’s an intruder at the gate

She’s broken into my heart

She’s tearing at the walls,

She’s ripping me apart


There’s an intruder at the gate

And I can’t seem to push her out

She’s like a fire in my core

She’s the only one I can think about


There’s an intruder at the gate

And I’m trying hard to fight

She’s bigger, she’s stronger than me

There’s no way out in sight.


There’s an intruder at the gate

I thought I’d thrown away the key

But she’s broken through the shield

And she’s left me helpless with her technique.


There’s an intruder at the gate

And I think I might let her in

She’s breaking me down

She’s wearing me thin.


There’s an intruder at the gate

And she knows exactly what she’s does to me

She’s just at the door

She knows she doesn’t need a key

© 2011 The Concealed Prince

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Wow this peice is very breathtaking i can really relate to are very talented.keep it up.:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

A amazing poem. I like how you used the words. Bringing the reader to the poem with a strong title. Intruders are stranger only once if the door is open for them. A very good ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this piece is really nice. you're a great poet too :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 18, 2011
Last Updated on July 18, 2011


The Concealed Prince
The Concealed Prince


Quiet boy. Creative Girl. Pride. I've got a lot on my mind. I let some of it out here. So, these stories, they're just a couple of things that bounce around in my head. more..
