

A Poem by Sarah Marie

Come, little one,
Come, little one,
To my hidden home;
Come, little one,
Make haste,
And fail to roam.
Come, little one,
Come, little one,
From what surrounds you;
Come, little one,
Into my arms
Whatever you do.
Come, sweet child,
Come, dear child,
Far, so far away;
Come, innocence,
Come, naivety-
You are their prey.
The world is cold,
The world is hard,
And you do not belong
In a world like this,
In this world of mine
Where good is wrong.
Come, little ones,
Come, little ones,
I will keep you as my own;
Come, little ones,
Come, little ones,
Into my heart of stone-
May it break for you,
May it crumble to dust
And make room for love;
Come, sweet ones,
Come, dear ones-
I pray I have enough
To keep you safe
And away from evil,
Away from all harm;
Come, honesty,
Come, sincerity,
Into my sheltering arms.
Come, little one,
Come, little ones,
Before the world uses you;
Come, little ones,
Come, little one-
We cannot lose you too.

© 2012 Sarah Marie

My Review

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Very sinister in a way, I love the way you broke it down and the word choice.
Very well done ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Wow this is so innocent. When i started reading it i was with question mark and then the repetition made me softer and more softer inside. I love the tone and the repetition effect, it is always kind of destructive when used but you've perfectly used repetition here. The matter subject is not regular thus once again Marie really good work. It is good to see poems that grants safety to little ones. A lot of poems on this site actually are nothing that can be read by children but finally i have encountered one. Good work!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

The repetition of the words, "Come little ones," reminds me of a song I heard in the movie, Hocus Pocus, "Come Little Children". It's actually kind of creepy. But I like it. There's something about it that reached out and gripped me, pulling me further in to the piece.

It is an interesting message, calling the children so that they may be saved, spared from the cruelties of the world. I could see this being the opening song to an epic fantasy tale about children, with the major underlying theme being corruption and the fight to retain innocence.

You've certainly gotten me thinking.

Well done.


Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

lol that is actually one of my favorite creepy-ish songs. Surprisingly, that song had nothing to do .. read more
So true ! A heartfelt poem and I loved reading it. The repetitions make it better. Best lines :"Into my heart of stone-
May it break for you,
May it crumble to dust
And make room for love;"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

I am so glad you like it! I appreciate your comment and reading!
i think that, to date, this is your best work yet. you are getting more comfortable in your element. nice, very nice!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

Thank you! I really appreciate your comment and support!
My morning has turned so pure by your lovely and sacred poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

Oh, I am so glad you like it!! I hope your day continues to go so well!

11 Years Ago

Thank you Marie.
Your wishes are very sweet and desired for me at this moment.
I think about this whenever I stop whatever it is I'm doing, and just stand there and watch my precious, 5 year old sister, as she quietly draws a picture or makes a craft, or is just watching a movie. It fills my heart whenever she looks up at me and says "Sissy! Look, I made a picture!" and then continues forth and explains to me what the picture is of. I admit, I don't think this enough, and I sometimes brush my little sister off and because of this poem, I vow to do more with my little sister and pay more attention to here. But, whenever I have these moments when I stop and look at her, I think: "I don't want this world to taint her innocence. I don't want to this world, that seems to have turned so cruel, to hurt her and beat her down." I worry about, when she grows up that she may be made fun of, or picked on, and when she gets older, I worry she may even cut, or starve herself, because she doesn't think she's pretty enough or worth anything. I'm on the verge of tears right now just thinking about it. I just want her to stay little forever, and I don't want her to be hurt...I want to keep her safe and innocent forever. But as we all know...we all have to grow up and eventually come into the real world. I, myself, am still holding on to the threads of fantasy and my own world, not yet ready to completely face reality full on, even though I've had a bit of a taste of it.
Anyway...before I start bawling my eyes out, this poem it absolutly amazing, and as you can tell, it hit home with me. It's beautiful, Sarah Marie, truly.
Thank you very much for creating this and sharing. I can't thank you enough.
Thank you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

aww thank you so much for your review and telling me what this did for you. I too am holding on to t.. read more

11 Years Ago

It's not a problem at all and you're very welcome. I'm glad to have my little sister too. I'm a kid .. read more

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on October 13, 2012
Last Updated on October 13, 2012


Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie

my own world...come visit me!, SC

Aspiring starving artist: Bachelor's degree in English, minor in professional writing, concentration in writing, unofficial concentration in British literature...2017 more..


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