Girl Behind the Make Up

Girl Behind the Make Up

A Poem by Sarah Marie

I actually don't have a daughter or a husband...I have just been hearing this poem in my head for a few days, and I decided i could not wait to write this until I had them

My daughter did my make up today-
She is four and home 
From her first day of school;
My blush is of purple lipstick,
But she loves to “make me pretty”,
And my husband cannot help but laugh
Or say we are the prettiest girls 
That he has ever seen.
My daughter did my make up today-
She is eight and home
From a fun day at school;
Princess pink lip gloss is smeared
Over my mouth and chin,
The bubble gum flavor all I can sense-
Yet she gets neater with it every day,
And my husband praises her steady hand.
My daughter did my make up today-
She is twelve and home
From a hard day in junior high;
My mascara is purposefully everywhere
As if I have been crying-
I think this is her own therapy,
Her father and I knowing only to smile
And tell her she is beautiful.
My daughter did my make up today-
She is sixteen and home
From another very busy day of high school;
She has me wearing the best shades of red
For my personal complexion-
Her father watches, and I sit still
As we both grin and listen 
To all that happened during just this one day. 
My daughter did my make up today-
She is twenty and may not be home
For awhile, for she has another 
To go to after this day;
She paints me in neutral colors
And scolds me for crying,
This her wedding day-
Her father tries not to as well.
Yet then we switch places,
And it is my turn to do 
My daughter’s make up;
I think back over all the years and rouges,
And my husband seems to as well,
For we both laugh then smile
And tell her she is beautiful
With or without her make up. 

© 2012 Sarah Marie

My Review

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this is beautiful. the little things that family members do to show they care and the different phases a chld goes through growing up, all represented in this simple concept of wearing make-up. I love the ending, a jewled switch, and wonderful leasson to be learned. Beautiful write!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

Thanks, I appreciate it! Glad you like it!

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1 Review
Added on December 18, 2012
Last Updated on December 18, 2012


Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie

my own world...come visit me!, SC

Aspiring starving artist: Bachelor's degree in English, minor in professional writing, concentration in writing, unofficial concentration in British literature...2017 more..
