Hidden Away

Hidden Away

A Poem by Sarah Marie

I found a place
Deep in the woods;
I thought to make it my own
Just because I could,
But it holds great beauty
And boasts serene secrecy-
Too much to claim
And keep for just me.
I stay at the foot of a hill
Shielded and shaped by brown pines:
I meander my way through dangers
Like grabbing thorny vines. 
I love to hear the wind
Coming in a proud breeze;
It catches and caresses
Awaiting high and low leaves.
I always feel that I am caught,
That I am an oak’s offspring;
It is like I am falling
Only to land under a wind’s wing.
I honestly cannot say
I know how I am lead
Here-perhaps by a chill or voice
Or the sun, my sometimes friend;
Maybe something calls me, rather,
Though I wonder what could;
I suppose it does not matter
As long as I can hide in the woods.
There is enough solitude for privacy,
Yet not enough that I might feel alone;
There are many living things
Which call this place their home. 
If I am still, so is the world,
And for but a brief moment, 
Nature wraps me in its arms,
And I feel I am a part of it.

© 2013 Sarah Marie

My Review

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*sighs contently* I love this so much...just so calm and relaxing, feeling of just incredible joy. Love it, amazing job

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

Oh, thank you! I'm glad you like it, and I appreciate your review!!

11 Years Ago

You're welcome :D
That was lovely and an incredibly enjoyable read. I actually felt "nature wrap me in its arms" as I read this. Fabulous job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

oo thank you so much for your lovely comment! I am glad you like it!

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2 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2013
Last Updated on February 5, 2013


Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie

my own world...come visit me!, SC

Aspiring starving artist: Bachelor's degree in English, minor in professional writing, concentration in writing, unofficial concentration in British literature...2017 more..
