Not and Never Alone

Not and Never Alone

A Poem by Sarah Marie

There’s a sad girl 
On the other side of the world;
She is so scared
And feels so alone,
Not certain she can call
Where she lives a home-
She can’t turn to a single friend,
Realizing there is no one on whom
She can now depend.
She sheds tears
In response to her secret fears,
Anything beyond her strangled sobs
The last thing on her mind;
She thinks no one else 
Could ever understand,
But her pain is also mine.
I am sending her my thoughts,
And I am sending my strongest prayers;
I don’t know if it will be enough,
But maybe she will know 
That someone-that anyone-
Really does care. 
She is so far away, 
And I don’t even know her name,
But she lived and endured
The same I did this past day;
Failure is an easy thing
While ceasing a sea of tears
Is nearly too hard to do.
I know her cries,
Her silent pleas for love I can hear
Because they echo in my head too. 
She is not alone,
And neither am I,
For her heartache is not her own,
Her tears the same I cry. 
There is someone like me
Wishing to be set free
From the chains of consistent pain,
The sadness that should never be. 

© 2013 Sarah Marie

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Wow this is a captivating poem embossed with honest feelings that attracts the reader in. It's like this was happening beneath my skin. Melancholic but beautiful.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah Marie

11 Years Ago

Thank you! I'm glad you like it. I appreciate your review!
Very good write Sarah:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

i can feel the pain that you feel for that girl so strong and deep!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 17, 2013
Last Updated on February 17, 2013


Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie

my own world...come visit me!, SC

Aspiring starving artist: Bachelor's degree in English, minor in professional writing, concentration in writing, unofficial concentration in British literature...2017 more..
