Two become One

Two become One

A Poem by Sarah Marie

Walk with me-
Show me the way
The sun can set 
In only ways 
You can understand;
Take my hand
And lead me down
A darkened path
That brightens 
With your every step-
May the thorns subside
And bow down. 
Point to the stars
And make them shine,
Purity stretching 
From your touch;
It numbs in my grasp,
And I grow warm
In the dead of winter,
Careless of all but one-
That is what I get
For longing for love. 
Two can become one,
And two can always win;
Togetherness is the only way
To forget loneliness’s name
And break loneliness’s chains.
Magic can happen 
When two souls are entwined,
And beauty exists 
When two souls become one.

© 2013 Sarah Marie

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Another beautiful offering. You are quite talented my dear poetress.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 19, 2013
Last Updated on February 19, 2013


Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie

my own world...come visit me!, SC

Aspiring starving artist: Bachelor's degree in English, minor in professional writing, concentration in writing, unofficial concentration in British literature...2017 more..
