Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr


A few months later, the day was chillier in comparison to how it usually was. The sky was silvery-grey; it was in the evening, at a quiet London flat

"Mum, I'm just sick of it all!" Courtney said, as she ate her food with her mother

"What are you talking about, Courtney?" Her mother replied. Courtney pushed her long locks back in frustration

"College, Mum! I just don't think I can hack it"

"...In English please; I can't deal with that English slang" Her mother replied

"College is so long...The teachers do not help, the people at college seem anti-social... Now that I think of it, everyone seems anti-social"

"Oh, darling, I'm sure that is not true" Her mother replied, aftertaking a final bite of her food

"Mum, I don't expect you to understand anyway, so what's the point of talking" Courtney declared, as she lost her appetite

"Do not speak to me like that" Courtney's mother began "Look, you haven't even lived life. You're only seventeen"

"Well...I'm eighteen now" Courtney cut in

"That's right. You're eighteen, and you have such a negative outlook on life. What I would give to be your age again. Trust me, being negative will not do you any favours; you're looks will go faster than the world's fastest car"

"Whatever" Courtney whispered

"Look, Darling; things won't be this way forever" Courtney's mother smiled, as she took Courtney and her bowls to the kitchen. Courtney rose from her seat and proceeded to her room. She sat on her bed, switched on a lamp and dialled a number

"Hey, Reece" Courtney smiled; it was her boyfriend Reece she was on the phone to

"What's good, darling?" Reece responded in a deep voice

"I'm too bored, man. Can I come and keep you company?"

There was a long silence


"Sorry, babes...No, that won't be a good idea" Reece declared

"...Can I ask why?" Courtney asked

"Mans is nuff busy as it is; College and that, got nuff coursework to do, so how about I take you cinema tomorrow" Reece suggested

"You piss me off so much, you know" Courtney spat "I still loveyou though"

"Love you too, init" Reece declared "...So is that all?"

"What...that's a nice way to end a convo..." Courtney declared

"Allow me man, I'm tired...if you're gonna act like a b***h, I'll hang up this phone" Reece responded, Courtney clinched her fists, but calmed down

"You know what...It's all casual right now...I'm going out tonight"

"What about tomorrow? You're gonna leave me high and dry?"Reece asked

"Bye Reece" Courtney cut the phone off. She looked to her right, and saw her college books, she contemplated whether to complete them, or go out.

She decided to go out.

Courtney undressed, and hopped into the shower. She turned on the radio from the loudspeaker, from her phone, and sang along to it. She then creamed herself with cocoa butter; applied make-up, mascara and lip gloss. She organized her large volumeof hair; wore a figure-hugging short dress and wore five inch heels. She resembled a picture perfect young woman. She sprayed on some perfume, and proceeded out the door. Her Mum blocked her path

"...Where do you think you are going? Looking like that..."

"To my friend's party" Courtney declared

"Sure...What friend" Courtney's mother asked

"Lanelle...jeez Mum, do I have to explain everything, I'm eighteen for Goodness' Sake"

"That may be...but you're never too old for a beating, remember that" Courtney's mother insisted

"You will not touch me" Courtney declared

"You want to bet...If you carry on giving me lip, you will stay outside" Courtney's mother replied

"ALL RIGHT SORRY. Now, can I go?" Courtney asked

"Very well...Don't do anything crazy, and be back by 1am" Courtney's mother declared

"Oh, Mum, man" Courtney growled

"Should we make it 10pm?"

"Never that...1am it is" Courtney declared, as she opened the door, her mother held her hand


"Look, darling. I know things have been rough, with your father and me splitting up. It couldn't have been a worse time; especially with your sisters..."

"'s" Courtney began

"I want you to know, I know you're rebelling right now, and think you can take on the world. Just know that I love you, andsupport you in anything that you do...Anything within morals of course"

"Where's all this coming from?" Courtney asked

"It's been building up for some time...This is the truth: We are not close, not like how we used to be ever since the divorce. I'mjust telling you this to give you closure, I will always be here".
"...Are you saying Dad won't be?" Courtney asked

"No...of course not, he loves you in unimaginable ways, as do I.Just bare that in mind, and have a good time"

"Thanks Mum...would you want me to bring you anything?" Courtney smiled, as it seemed as though her and her Mum were Seeing Eye to eye for the first time in what seemed like an eternity

Courtney's Mum extended her arms. Courtney moved forward, and they hugged

"I'll be alright, enjoy yourself, love" Courtney's mother said"May I say you look divine"

"You may" Courtney smiled "Is this a bit too much...I don't want people thinking I'm some kind of arse is sticking out like crazy, these heels hurt...I swear this mascara will be dripping as I'm dancing"

"Just enjoy yourself, love. Stop worrying, you look far from a prostitute, nowhere near! Plus, most prostitutes aren't pretty...nearly all of them aren't" Courtney's mother laughed

"That's true" Courtney laughed "Bye Mum" Courtney walked. Courtney's mother looked on, proud.

Courtney instead went to an over 21 rave. She flicked her hair, and it was her turn to enter

"I.D." The bouncer growled

"Allow me, my good man. Look at me, don't I look 22" Courtney declared in a flirtatious manner

"Looks can be deceiving...I know" The bouncer growled "Yeah, you may do, but rules are rules, show me the I.D. or you got to bounce"

"Fine..." Courtney showed him her I.D., it was her older cousin, who was the spitting image of her

"Alright, Shanika, you may go in"

Courtney breezed past the bouncer, and entered the rave. The music was ear-shattering loud; people were dancing in frenzy; in the dark-lit hall. Courtney began to get stares in admiration; she smiled playfully, as she approached the bar

"What can I get you, peng ting?" The barman asked

"Set me up with some apple juice...I'm not on alcohol or any of that crap, you get me?" Courtney declared

"Anything, beautiful" The barman smiled, as he went to get herapple juice. A guy approached Courtney

"How are things going, darling?" The man asked in a smooth, deep voice

"They're all right, thanks...sorry but I'm actually eighteen. This is out of character, but I've been having a rotten few weeks...I don't really want to be chatted up"

"But you look so good..." The man smiled

"Do me a favour...this isn't an invitation, so do go on and move to another girl, I'm not on it" Courtney barked "Plus, I've got a man, so step off"

"Why you got to be so rude... I was only joking, you look DECENT. In fact, you're too fast, I actually just wanted to get toknow you...I'm not on no linking ting" The guy defensively stated

"...Oh..." Courtney began "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just one of them days. So tell me, what your name is..."

"Adewale" Adewale smiled "Call me the way; I lied you look amazing"

"I'm guessing you're Nigerian?" Courtney smiled "And thanks!"

"But of course! What's your name, where you from?" Wale asked

"I'm Courtney, I'm Sierra Leonean" Courtney smiled

"That's cool...So what brings you to Night Shift then?" Wale asked

"My man was pissing me off...It seemed my life was falling apart, but things are slowly but surely looking up, so I came here to have a good time"

"Here's your apple juice, my darling" The barman smiled. Courtney grinned back

"All right, you wanna dance with me?" Wale asked "By the way, I'm 20, so I'm not that old am I?"

"We ain't getting married, are we? It's ok, let's dance" Courtney declared "Watch me skank it out"

"You can skank?" Wale grinned

"Skank, dance, whichever blud, watch me destroy the dance floor, come!" Courtney finished her drink, and clutched onto Wale's right arm, dragging him to the forefront of the dancing young people. They danced together to an up-tempo song. Courtney was showing some serious moves, even whilst wearing heels. Wale was impressed. As Courtney danced, she paused, and her eyes ballooned.

"Courtney...what's wrong?" Wale asked. Courtney stormed off, leaving Wale high and dry.

Courtney pulled on a guy, and spun him around

"Reece..." Courtney spat

"What's good Courtney?" Reece smiled

"You waste man...who's this sket?" Courtney barked, pointing to the girl Reece was dancing with

"Excuse me...who the hell are you calling a sket?" The girl barked

"I call it how I see it, B***H. Don't ever try and hype to me, like you're some big girl" Courtney spat "Now, Reece...what was all that about coursework, huh?"

"Yeah...I finished it early, init" Reece said.
"You waste man, I hate you so much right now...You lie to me,and you were dancing on that waste girl like she was your girl" Courtney spat

"Your girl...Reece, this is your girl?" The girl barked

" don't know" Reece replied

"You don't know?" Courtney spat "You know what...have you're fun, because I'm having mine. I'll deal with you later"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Reece asked

Courtney gave no answer, and walked back to Wale. Reece stormed to the bar

"You alright" Wale asked

"I will be...That's my man over there. I swear I need to dump his arse quick time" Courtney declared

"Alright, do you want something to drink?" Wale asked

"No, thanks...I'm even thinking of ducking out of this place, it'stoo loud and I lied to my maj saying I was at my friend's party"

"Oh...Do you want me to drop you home?" Wale asked

"I just met you...Plus, I'm sure there are other girls here you would rather jam with than me"

"You're the only one...I know, cheesy right?" Wale grinned

"That's actually sweet, you know" Courtney grinned "Come on, boss man, let's..." Courtney's phone vibrated. She saw a message, and she dropped to the floor. Wale went to her aid

"Hey...Hey, what's up?" Wale asked. Courtney was speechless. She rang the number back, and went to a quieter place, just outside of the hall

"Look, you better not play with my life...whoever you are, I will find you and do you something do you...You're WHO? Oh my days...This just can't be happening...don't does... helook like..." Courtney's jaw dropped "For HOW LONG? So it was those two, yeah...Safe for this" Courtney hanged up the phone, and a tear ran from her eye

Wale caught up to her

"Hey, you ready to go..." Wale saw the tear fall from her eye"What's going on?"

"Reece...REECE..." Courtney was livid

"Hey...hey what did he do?" Wale asked. Courtney was silent

"You will see...EVERYONE will see" Courtney barked. A picture was sent to her phone, when she looked, it was of Reece and another girl. Courtney put her hand over her mouth, as more tears began to flow. Wale looked at the picture, and shook his head. Another one was sent to Courtney, and it was of the girl by herself. Courtney's eyes ballooned, and she was in complete shock.

The time turned to 12:38am; people began exiting the rave; as more people were going in. Reece exited the rave with the girl he was dancing with. As he walked, a thunderous punch connected to his face, forcing him to step backwards. People roared "Ooh" as they moved forward and looked on. Reece felt his face in agony, and then looked; it was Courtney

"Courtney...she is a friend, alright! I'm not linking her, for Goodness..."


"What? Don't be calling me that, you know I'm no waste man" Reece declared

"You heard him, so move aside" The girl barked. Courtney was going to charge at her, but Wale held her back. Reece scowled

"So...this your new man yeah?" Reece asked

"Fool! Don't act like I'm the one in the wrong" Courtney replied

"What are you talking about?"

"Hayley...does she ring a bell?" Courtney asked

"...Yeah, she's just some chick I knew from back in the day...why?" Reece asked "How do you know about her?"

"Apparently, you two have been doing a ting...Apparently; youtwo have been going out for A YEAR...A YEAR, REECE...YOU'VE DONE ME WRONG FOR A WHOLE YEAR?"

"No, babes, you've got it all wrong" Reece said

"I got a text...then I phoned the girl back who told me this...AND I'VE GOT PICTURES" Tears began to flow from Courtney's eyes

"To top it all off...SHE'S PREGNANT...Oh my days...she's pregnant...she's pregnant..." Courtney said in disbelief

"WHAT? way" Reece lied

" knew didn't you?" Courtney wiped a tear from her eye "You knew...that's why you went cold on me...ISN'T IT"

" please, I...I don't know, she's a liar, I never did..."

Courtney showed Reece the pictures. The girl shook her head and walked off; Reece just stared at the pictures

"So...she's got you for 18 years now, hasn't she?" Courtney declared "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING, YOU WASTE MAN! EVERY THING, I'M THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOUR CLART, NOW...I'M DONE"

"What...what does that mean?" Reece asked

"It means, WASTE MAN, WE'RE FINISHED" Courtney tearfully declared, before taking off the bracelet he gave her, and slamming it on the floor. Reece could not utter a word, as Courtney and Wale walked off into the distance. He picked up the bracelet, and felt overwhelming sadness as his ex walked away.
Reece pushed through the crowd and stormed off.
Courtney dried her eyes as she, with Wale, walked toward the train station
"I'm...I'm sorry" Wale replied
"Why should you be? Don't worry, it's bless" Courtney sniffed
"No...It's not" Wale declared "That was bang out of order, he is the complete waste man for doing that to you"
"Thanks" Courtney faintly grinned. The place was darkly lit by the street lights, then suddenly, the place became bright, and a loud explosion erupted. Wale and Courtney covered their eyes, as strong winds surrounded the place. They ran back to see what was going on, and the hall they were at was up in flames. Pedestrians were screaming and running in terror. People from all walks of life gathered to watch
"WHAT..." Wale was shocked. The whole of the hall was engulfed in flames, as thick smoke rose to the air.
"No way...That's weird..." Courtney declared, as they watched the fire burn...

© 2011 Uc Amalu Jr

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Added on December 6, 2011
Last Updated on December 6, 2011


Uc Amalu Jr
Uc Amalu Jr

calabar, CR, Nigeria

I'm a young writer. creative. Remarkable. Okay! Now I'm bragging. A med student and wanna-be writer, not interested in any other thing-So when I ain't reading, I'm writing. That's all about me.. And .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr

Chapter Three Chapter Three

A Chapter by Uc Amalu Jr