Redeem What Has Fallen By The Wayside

Redeem What Has Fallen By The Wayside

A Story by Unique Encouragement

Today I just want you to know we all fall down, but when we fall we must stand up and continue to walk forward.  As I look back over the years and go over all of the creative things I’ve done and have yet to complete.  All of the volunteer opportunities I chose in order to give back to youth and yet for a time I stopped. All the wonderful things that brought joy into my life as I helped others and yet for the past year I let it all fall by the wayside.  I read over my writings over 100 I did within a few months.  Things that I passed out and emailed to others, that help us all get through troubled times, yet I stopped.  All of the other projects and assignments I started but never quite finished.  Recently I realized I got stopped in my tracks and lead astray.  There is no one to blame but me.  I cannot honestly point a finger at another person and say they influenced me to do what I knew was against God’s will for my life.  We are our worst enemy.  The sooner we realize that the more we will accomplish in this life.


Despite how hard times may be, nothing is too hard for our God.  Nothing is too big that we can’t ask for his forgiveness.  We must strive hard for what it is we need in our lives.  Sometimes we as people move to fast, instead of waiting for God to send us a sign.  Then we lose track of where he wanted us to be in this life, because we took the situation into our own hands.  We go out and try to make things happen on our own, but end up creating a bigger situation that may get out of our control.  Remember nothing is too big for our God, he will never give us more than we can handle.


Unique Encouragement was something I started back in 2006 and yet that too I let fall by the wayside.  I started a few things here and there, but yet I stopped once again.  One morning I had a conversation with God and he reminded all of the talents and gifts he gave me.  He reminded me how it help another make it through the day and at the same time he brought joy into my life.  So that day was the first day I got back on track with the project that was assigned for my life almost 2 years later from when it was birthed.


As I always say nothing is a mistake all that we do is a learning experience.  Even though almost 2 years have past.  I believe I wasn’t spiritually ready in my mind to walk this path in life.  I used every excuse not to obey the call.  I successfully finished my first year of Ministry school and yet I still let my call fall by the wayside.  I just want you all to know that this happens to us all. We all have an idea of where we should be in life.  We all are filled with so many wonderful gifts and talents and the world is just waiting on us.  There’s so much room for opportunity, yet we remain silent.  Our phones are still ringing, yet we fail to pick up the line and answer the call on our lives.  As children we use to dream big and those dreams would change lives.  We wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, fireman, policeman, etc….yet today circumstance or our upbringing crushed those dreams.


Today I just want to encourage to get back on track with

Whatever assignment you were fulfilling,

Whatever you dreamed to be one day,

Whatever goal you were about to reach,

Whatever great opportunity you closed the door on because of fear,

With whatever job you were training for,

Whatever degree you were working toward,

Whatever major step you were about to take in life, but got cold feet,

Whatever relationship you were getting back on track,

Whatever family time you lost,

Whatever responsibility you got away from because circumstance got in the way….


DON”T ALLOW YOURSELF TOO CONTINUE TO MAKE EXCUSES OF WHY YOU CAN”T BE, WHY YOU CAN”T DO, WHY THIS ISN”T HAPPENING, WHY THAT ISN”T HAPPENING!!  Today my sisters and brothers is your day.  Forget about the past and what people have said in, on and over your life.  It’s never too late.  You are still loved by God.  You are still #1 in his book.  You were created for a divine purpose.  No circumstance or situation can ever take the place of the mercy of God in your life.  Today I stand in agreement with each and everyone of you as we pray a prayer to get back on track where we let it all fall by the wayside.  We let down some our standards to become comfortable or for pleasure of the flesh and not the spirit.  Well today we all are going to get back on track and walk in fulfillment of getting all things accomplished as assigned.

Here’s our prayer: 


As it is written in Matthew 18:19 …I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.


Lord God we come to you in agreement to ask for your forgiveness.  Lord God we have been side tracked from where you want us to be in this life.  Lord God forgive us if we have went against your will for our lives.  Lord we ask that you guide us daily and that you send forth our guardian angels for the north, the south, the east and the west. Lord we ask that they shed light along our paths and keep us in line with righteousness.  Lord we ask that you teach us how to increase our talents with the purpose you have for our lives.  Lord we ask that we be able to redeem all things which have fallen by the wayside in our lives. Lord we close the doors on all of the paths that led us astray from where you would have us to be.  Lord we thank for your mercy and forgiveness.


 In Jesus AMEN!!!

 Be Encouraged



© 2008 Unique Encouragement

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Thanks so much. I agree with you as well. "We can make it if we try"

Posted 15 Years Ago

Couldn't agree with you more. As has been said, if things were so easy, everyone would be doing it. I kick myself for letting opportunities pass me by in my life as well. That's why I went back to school to get my Masters. I still find myself holding myself back from attaining attainable goals. Its a struggle but we all can make it 'if we try" as Sly and the Family Stone has said. But as Curtis Mayfield said, "Keep on Pushing."

Peace and Blessings.

Posted 15 Years Ago

After I read this I stood up and clapped!!!
I admire the mature, transparent, consistent, and faithful posture wherewith you composed this beautiful work of art!
Although we write to free the mentally enslaved, and also to shed light upon the minds of those that are in obscurity, and just knowing that our gift helped someone is reward enough...
I just want to say that you deserve to be paid for this!
I am an entrepreneur that is currently engaged in developing a publishing company, my own greeting cards, a clothing line, restaurant, and a few other ideas.
But the road to witnessing the manifestation of these reveries can often times become dark.
Reading this shed light upon so much, thank you!
Whether its Donald Trump or a little girl starting a lemonade-stand they both need the same thing...
Unique Encouragement!

Remember Proverbs 18:16

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2008
Last Updated on July 6, 2008


Unique Encouragement
Unique Encouragement

Heaven, MD

I'm a unique individual who is willing to help others achieve in life by encouraging all along their way. I'm a mother, a sister, daughter and a friend to all. I love to help people and walk with them.. more..
