HATE all but one...

HATE all but one...

A Poem by Stef Outsiders

Hate all but one

the windows to your soul

guide them to understand

never let them fall

A story is told

flaunting myself in a mirror

hoping it would break

or am I being too cold

To look upon my body

not liking what I see

screw me into a tiny paper ball

and throw me in a bin

Every part of me

I wish I could change it

make it more beautiful

make it more lean

Hate all but one

The window's to my soul

my eye's tell a story

but not everyone understands...

© 2011 Stef Outsiders

Author's Note

Stef Outsiders

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Yeah God's. It's like a knee to the groin and a gouge to the brain. It is powerful, strong and uncompromising. An exposure of soul and mind. Matched perfectly with a poetic style and flow that just.... Rakes your soul with hot coals.
Damn this is good.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 5, 2011
Last Updated on October 5, 2011


Stef Outsiders
Stef Outsiders

United Kingdom

Hi everyone I am writer but still have a long way to go, have been writing for four years now, i like to read, love art, photography drawing and designing! I'm 26 years old, have two beautiful ch.. more..
