My Shadow

My Shadow

A Poem by unspokenpain

Poetry Speaks

A darkness, once consumed me. A slave to skin, a slave til eternity. My shadow and I were one. There was no split, no, we were one. I was a fire that burned, a fire that destroyed. A tool for corruption, I was the devil's toy. Against all odds, I found my way. To explain how I did it, I just could not say. For four years I lived in light. I grew by day, but hid at night. I was at peace, for I gained my right. However, can we escape our shadow? I will never go back! At least that's what I say. But I feel this anger, and it grows each day. A darkness, once consumed me. A slave to skin, a slave til eternity. I do not need sympathy, I don't need your sorrow. I'm one with my emotions, I'm one with my shadow.

© 2016 unspokenpain

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I love how this poem seems to embody the darkness or rather "shadows" that we as people fight in our own personalities everyday. It is difficult to deal with sorrow or the parts about our character that we do not like. And sometimes it feels as though we are a "slave to skin". There are times where I feel bound and pressured to act a certain way or to not let darkness into my life and that can become a chain that binds you to darkness. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful poem. < 3

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Your welcome. I'm glad the message spoke out to you. Every person has a shadow, a shadow unique to e.. read more


I love how this poem seems to embody the darkness or rather "shadows" that we as people fight in our own personalities everyday. It is difficult to deal with sorrow or the parts about our character that we do not like. And sometimes it feels as though we are a "slave to skin". There are times where I feel bound and pressured to act a certain way or to not let darkness into my life and that can become a chain that binds you to darkness. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful poem. < 3

Posted 8 Years Ago

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8 Years Ago

Your welcome. I'm glad the message spoke out to you. Every person has a shadow, a shadow unique to e.. read more
Wow. Very intense. I'm intrigued by the meaning of this poem - you seem to say that you escaped your darkness at one point, but now it is potentially coming back. Perhaps this indicates acceptance of this part of you? Regardless, this poem possesses a very interesting theme. We tend to read works about people who escape whatever problem is consuming them, and then their lives seem to be completely perfect and carefree. This poem, however, exemplifies the reality of these situations - the continuing struggle to live with those issues throughout our lives. I really like the lines "I was a fire that burned, a fire that destroyed. / A tool for corruption, I was the devil's toy." They are disturbing and scary, but the parallel structure of the "fire" lines is really cool, and the imagery is vivid and does an excellent job of portraying the intensity of the situation. My one suggestion for this poem would be to add an apostrophe in the word "devils" and to use "were" instead of "was" in "My shadow and I was one". I know I'm being a stickler for grammar, but I think that it helps make the poem even more effective when those elements are watertight. :) Overall, very intriguing work. Nice job!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you. The corrections will be made.
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I like the repetition of the lines "a darkness once consumed me", nicely written and adds to the overall mood. Thoughtful piece on one's dark side, studded with self reflection and rhetorical questions to oneself. However I think it should be " the devil's" instead of "I was the devils toy" and also "my shadow and I were one" (you wrote was)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you, I will make the corrections
The first line of the second stanza should have been- "My shadow and I were one"
Talking of your poem, it is a very beautifully penned poem which speaks for itself and the message it carries for the readers. Very nice description of shadows- "grew by day, but hid at night"- simple, but deep lines. Keep writing.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you. I will make the correction.
A lovely poem. Heartfelt and intense. Being at peace with your shadow is indeed a momentous achievement.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you for the feedback

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5 Reviews
Added on May 18, 2016
Last Updated on May 18, 2016




Poetry speaks when my words can't. Watch me dance with words. Watch me create a world. I will undress who you are. Realize the masochist inside of you as my dominating words grasp that which lets you .. more..

Peace Peace

A Poem by unspokenpain