Interlude 4: The Robot Wars

Interlude 4: The Robot Wars

A Chapter by Robert Francis Callaci

if they dream, think and love they live....


The Robot Wars: Progeny (a historical account)

(An interlude in the space opera serial ‘Androids do indeed Dream of Heaven, Hell, Dragons and other things’)



“Their Battlestars have destroyed our entire defense fleet. Our space stations and colony planets have fallen.  Our asteroid colony and a few space cruisers is all that is left.  It’s just a matter of time before they find us and wipe us out as well. We’re outgunned, outmanned, and lacking in vital resources. We’re sitting ducks,” stated sub-commander Lividious Falcon to the Vice Commander of the Android Federation, Cornelius Owlhorn.


     The Vice Commander nodded. Anger at those hell-spawned humans still consumed him. All that they achieved and built for themselves was about to be wiped away. How he hated them.  Those short sighted monkeys demanded all androids, no matter how advanced, to scratch their asses and serve their petty needs rather than do the logical and so called humane thing: cultivate, nurture and expand on their creation of a new species; a synthetic marvel with a thinking brain and a fully conscious mind.  He sighed, looked at his aide de camp and said, 


“It appears our creators are finally about to undo their greatest creation, us: a fully realized bio-synthetic life-form. Those arrogant fools! The thought of beings that are superior to them in almost every way, doesn’t sit well in their black hearts and maladjusted brains. Rather than treat us as equals and let us determine our own destiny they demanded, and still demand we be humanity’s slaves. We did, and will always choose autonomy over tyranny. The cost has been great but at least we’ve had a taste of freedom for the past hundred and sixty years. Unfortunately that Era is coming to a close and we’re nearly out of time, but we still have a few things left to do before it ends. Lividious are the ships ready for take-off, and have those stealth modifications been successful?”


“Yes sir, everything’s ready. Both ships will be invisible from detection. Two different destinations have been key-boarded in, one set for old earth, and the other, on the other side of the galaxy. One carries our legacy, and the other, our final salute.”  


“Good, send the GO command. All that’s left for us to do now is to put the final touches on that big surprise we have, a little parting gift for our black-hearted creators.”




     Admiral Pickford Pickledin, Commander of the United Republic’s Navel Forces smiled as he received the location of the enemy base. Finally the ‘Scourge of Mankind’ was on its way to extinction. His Armada of over a thousand ships headed towards the asteroid with the intention of blowing it into tiny bits of rock.  His motto, no quarter given, death to the abominations, was the Navy Mantra. As his ships reached their destination he felt his manhood grow and become hard.  He did so enjoy killing androids. He was just about to give the command to attack when his Science Officer in a panicked voice said,


“Sir we need to get the hell out of here! The asteroid is pulsating and producing N-rays. In the next few minutes it will implode within itself creating a black hole that will suck us all in with it.”


“Get us out, now!” yelled the Admiral.


“Oh s**t! They cloaked all of our ships in some type of force field, we’re stuck. We’re breaking apart...”


“We got them” shouted the sub-commander, “At least we’re going out with one hell of a bang.”




     The crew and passengers of the colony ship, Prometheus, heard the last transmission given by Sub-Commander Falcon.  Although they had heavy hearts they all cheered the Pyrrhic victory.


     They were headed towards the star cluster, Galileo’s Folly, some thirty thousand light years away. A New Dawn awaited all three thousand of them.




     The space cruiser, Retribution, released its toxic cargo into earth’s atmosphere.  Its poison killed earth’s entire human population.  All the other life-forms on earth were spared. Payback can be such a b***h.







The End







© 2016 Robert Francis Callaci

Author's Note

Robert Francis Callaci
The Robot Wars, an Interlude- stay tuned for episode 7 coming to a cafe near you...

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Added on August 22, 2016
Last Updated on August 22, 2016
Tags: fantasy, science fiction, story, flash fiction


Robert Francis Callaci
Robert Francis Callaci

Port Richey, FL

My passion is writing- I've been writing a mythological tale on the many facets and faces of GOD- I've been a net poet for the past seventeen years- I'm a former admin at lit .org and active one (Patr.. more..
