Somnium Nos Vivere

Somnium Nos Vivere

A Book by Bay C.

Once upon a time, there were children who lived unhappy lives. So each dreamt, and found themselves in a land where they could have all they wanted. But a sweet dream and swiftly turn into a nightmare



© 2012 Bay C.

Author's Note

Bay C.
This was co-authored with my friend Sean Cunningham, who had the original idea.

Please tell us anything that you think needs improving, and what you liked! We're both first time authors, and we need all the help we can get. Please tell us what each chapter makes you curious about as well.

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Added on November 3, 2012
Last Updated on November 3, 2012


Bay C.
Bay C.

Canyon Lake, TX

Hi! My name is Bay, and my best friend Sean are working on our first novel that will, hopefully, turn into a series of novels. I'm looking for all the critique we can get at this point, since I'm hopi.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Bay C.