

A Poem by EnternalNight

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I've always wondered
What's  it like to fall in love...

I look around and see
So many people believe
Only to be hurt.
I don't want to love

They say love is a wonderful thing,
I say Love can be the most painful thing
It has shattered many
I'm not ready to shatter.

My friends have fallen
My sister has fallen
My mother has fallen
All to be burned in the end.

I'm afraid to love her,
I'm afraid to love,
I'm afraid to shatter,
I'm afraid to fall.

But I know when I find her
I'm going to fall hard.
I'm not going to be able to stop it
I just hope she doesn't smash me to hard.

© 2011 EnternalNight

Author's Note

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This poem is beautiful! Amazing work! I enjoyed it very much.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Love can be many things but above all it is the most magical feeling that can crumple you. It means having to be open and vulnerable in the most revealing way. Love isn't easy but it is the only emotion in the universe worth walking through hell for. I love the part I am not ready to be shattered. It makes a huge statement. When the time is right you will be will to be shattered if it means never having felt that person at all.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2011
Last Updated on September 13, 2011
Tags: Afraid, Love, Fallen, Shatter, Pain, Hurt, Wonderful




I'M ALIVE! sorry I've been gone so long! anyway I'm back and I'm writing again, so I hope you guys like the new poems! more..
