Her Sadness

Her Sadness

A Poem by Lola

Sadness can be beautiful. It can have wings, and it can cut it off once you're ready to fly.

Her sadness
Was a cigarette
Bound between
Her chapped lips.

Her sadness
Was a piece of
The finest jewelry
Secured at the
Back of her neck.

Her sadness
Was a thunderstorm
Raging like a mantra
She hears often but
Has long forgotten its

Her sadness
Was an eagle
Too afraid to carry
the world
Under its wings.

Her sadness
Was a black hole
In the midst of
Bare light.

Her sadness was
The universe,
Consuming her
Most intimate thoughts
And breaking them
Down to particles
That she can no longer
See by
The naked eye.

Her sadness
Wasn't just sadness.
Her sadness was her
It was her ride home.
Her sadness was
A welcoming sign
To a better road.

Her sadness was
Her best friend,
And her worst foe.

Her sadness was an
It measured the sky,
But always kept
The mechanics a secret.

Her sadness was turbulence,
And it was safety.
It was beautiful,
And it was angsty.
Her sadness was madness,
And it was sanity.
It was selfless,
And it was vanity.

Her sadness locked
Her away,
But showed her the
World is pretty scary
Up close anyways.

Her sadness guided her,
Pushed her,
To face her fears.

Her sadness was
So much stronger
Than just her tears.

© 2016 Lola

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Added on July 23, 2016
Last Updated on July 23, 2016
Tags: Sadness, poem, prose, poetry, love, depressions



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