W.R. Siebert : Writing

Up There

Up There

A Poem by W.R. Siebert

I can just barely see you up thereStanding upon that mountaintopwith a daisy resting in your hair.You look very out of place.but looks can be deceivin..


A Poem by W.R. Siebert

you can trust enoughto let her sow your seeds.but not enoughto go out aloneor evenlook through your phone


A Poem by W.R. Siebert

We will hang from the roots,And bathe in the mud.We can drown in the flames,And burn in the waves.Let us thrive in the shadows,If only for the night.F..
In The Depths

In The Depths

A Poem by W.R. Siebert

Leap with me,From the roof,Into the well.That cold darknessWe both knowAll too well.There we can live,Arm in arm,Heart in heart,Befriending our demons..
Burned, Once Again

Burned, Once Again

A Poem by W.R. Siebert

Her eyes burned like fire,But i dared not to extinguish it.As i stood, with a pale in hand,She mouthed the words "trust me"And as I spilled out the wa..