Faith : Writing

The Rain's Present

The Rain\'s Present

A Poem by Faith

I place my hand on the foggy glass, letting her taste me. I stare at her, i've been waiting. I step out on the muddy concrete. We are united. I'm..
The Reaper's Warning

The Reaper\'s Warning

A Poem by Faith

Turn your head, look at fright. The hurt, the pain, caused by the night. Things that your unable to explain. Things that disrupt your madness and v..
A Lover's Haunting

A Lover\'s Haunting

A Poem by Faith

It's now. She walks the corridors when the moon touches the sky. The halls cry out to the sway of her golden hair. Doors slamming from her unexplai..
Love Struck Asylum

Love Struck Asylum

A Poem by Faith

Nothing. Completley emotionless, no inch of feeling left in me. It watches my movement. Continuously wandering this empty room, i call my mind. I ..
Love's Karma

Love\'s Karma

A Poem by Faith

i can't tell if this is a poem or not...
Andy's Last Letter

Andy\'s Last Letter

A Poem by Faith

Dear Andy, My fingers trembling as i hit these blurry keys, typing away your last remains. I cherish these small momentoms,useless things that you w..
The Pattern of a Vixen

The Pattern of a Vixen

A Poem by Faith

I can only blame myself, moving too fast, enticing love. I've gone too far, the pain unerasable , a useless apology. For, another had come he ..
A Lost Love

A Lost Love

A Poem by Faith

With your love, i am strong. therefore, i am weak. You throw me towards the black hole to have another catch me. Your the reason, i slam the pedal..
 three complicated words

three complicated words

A Poem by Faith

You stole what i thought was taken An unexpected surprise I feel, what i thought was lost It's hard for me to say the words, the words i can't a..
a dark angel

a dark angel

A Poem by Faith

there she stand looking out at her new life, thinking to herself “what is my purpose?” “why shall I be put on this heavenly eart..