Coyote Poetry : Writing

A slow dance my love

A slow dance my love

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Just words.
Bare and true

Bare and true

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

A Re-write
Purgatory Inn

Purgatory Inn

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

A re-write
Katie wrote

Katie wrote

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

A old poem with a proper re-write.


A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Just words
Sin, gin and skin

Sin, gin and skin

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Just words.
You are my story

You are my story

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Painting and words.
Would you, could you?

Would you, could you?

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Just words.