The Collaboration Station!


This group is designed to be a very interactive group where you can find someone looking to collaborate in the same genre and style as you. If you are seeking a collaboration partner, post a forum titled with what you are looking for (ex. Adventure/Short Story, or Romance/Poetry), or if someone has already posted a thread with what you are interested in, there you have it, a collaboration partner! Just make sure to put in your thread details on what you are looking for, and if you no longer want to do a collaboration or have found a partner, delete your thread or put a reply in it that your thread is void.

I hope I have lots join and I hope that you all have a lot of fun with it. Spread the word; it will give you higher odds that you will find someone who you want to collaborate with.

Have fun!

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Mr. Michael Live

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collab with me on anime fiction or mpreg


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Horror romance collab anyone?

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