The Epigraphs to PROTEAN NotUnTitled: The Philosophical Cantos

The Epigraphs to PROTEAN NotUnTitled: The Philosophical Cantos

A Poem by Carol Maric

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© 2008 Carol Maric

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I love this piece of work. dreadfully bleak. and as all of your work, extremely interesting and reflective...the beauty of the crystal clear 'self-contempt'. I understand this.

I would love to know where you see the beauty in the beautiful as well. this writing prompts me wonder how you would describe that.

thank you

Posted 17 Years Ago

17 of 17 people found this review constructive.


here is a sound i haven't heard in 40 years... it brings back the days of pound and olsen and grossinger, and, maybe, me sometimes, in those heroic days. in the castle hall, hanging the shields of honor: "this conjunction is real", "the interunion of fear and longing is poetry", "never before have i seen". fine day, and days, brett, when the sky dragon was slain by the python.

Posted 17 Years Ago

16 of 16 people found this review constructive.

Is Nietzsche also the first epigraph or is that all you?

Posted 17 Years Ago

14 of 16 people found this review constructive.

"Since when did a dragon ever die from the poison of a snake?"

---Zarathustra "The Adder's Bite"

Posted 17 Years Ago

14 of 17 people found this review constructive.

I love this piece of work. dreadfully bleak. and as all of your work, extremely interesting and reflective...the beauty of the crystal clear 'self-contempt'. I understand this.

I would love to know where you see the beauty in the beautiful as well. this writing prompts me wonder how you would describe that.

thank you

Posted 17 Years Ago

17 of 17 people found this review constructive.

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24 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2008


Carol Maric
Carol Maric

And then went down to the ship, Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and . . . Ezra Pound (TCOEP).

" My life goal? Literary Immortality--without compromise. " " I would rather be skydiving while writing a book. " philosopher & polymath Author of the unpublished masterpiece PROTEAN NotUnTit.. more..


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A Poem by Carol Maric